Twenty Four

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Lauren's POV
I arrive home and walk through to the kitchen, I look at the dining table and notice something says "for my love💜" I open it and it's a beautiful bracelet that says "forever and ever" on and I smile before putting it on! I walk upstairs and go into my bedroom, she's sat watching TV, I run in and jump on her "Thank you thank you thank you" I say "You're more than welcome baby" She replies "How have you been?" I ask, as I lean down to kiss her lips "I'm okay" she says resting her hands on my ass."Hm, I really love this" I say pulling away looking at the bracelet "I'm glad you do babe" she says. I bury my face into her neck, I kiss her neck slowly and softly, making her hands go up my shirt, I smile and continue to kiss her neck, I suck and kiss on her sweet spot and she moans, I push her shirt up and she pulls it off making me loose contact with her neck for a second, I go to go back down to her neck but she stops my and connects her lips with mine, I smile into the kiss. I pull her lip between my teeth and she looks down at her lip, I let it go and it bounces back, she unbuttons my shirt and slides it from my shoulders and my body, she unclasps my bra, and I let it drop off, I slide down her body, to her panties, I slide them off, she only had an oversized shirt on, I throw her panties else where as she spreads her legs, I situate myself where my arms are around her thighs and I'm kissing up them, I get to her vagina, where I lightly kiss it before sliding my tongue in the crease making her moan out in pleasure, I continue to slide my tongue down her folds, her moans increasing by the second "Baby" she moans, my eyes glance up at her and she has her head thrown backwards and her hands clutching the bedsheets. I slide my tongue in and out of her, making her moan "Lauren" she moans "Baby!" She says gripping my hand "I'm gonna cum" She moans, I smile as I continue to eat her out "Mhm" She moans as she releases her juices onto my tongue, I lick her clean before replacing it with my finger(s) she looks down and unbuttons my pants "For later" she smirks as my fingers slowly work inside of her, curling every now and again "I love you so much" She moans out, I rest my forehead on hers "I love you more" I whisper, she grips my neck and shoulder "Fuck me" she moans reasonably loud. I smile and curl my fingers inside of her "Damn baby girl" I say "Hm oh my god" She says as she releases, I drop down next to her and she pulls my trousers off "I'm gonna be in control.."

And boy was she, I think my body is covered in hickeys and hers nail marks. She's laying next to me and my legs are entwined with hers and her arms are wrapped over me and she's tracing a hickey she made "I'm still shocked that you're all mine and nobody else's" She says "I'm all yours, I don't want nor would I let anybody else give me hickeys like this" I say, I look at her head and the cut and kiss it gently, I look at her lip and she faces me, I lean to kiss her lip where it was cut "Magic kisses" I say she smiles at me "Only yours babe" she says "Hermosa, i love you" I say "I love you too mija" she replies. We make out for longer than we expected "I'll order Chinese food now" I say "Okay baby" She whines, I step out of bed "Baby I'm cold come back" she whines, I laugh at her cuteness, I'm so happy I got her.. I never thought I'd be the first one to say i love you, when she wanted me before I wanted her! I order our food and wait for it to arrive before taking it upstairs with me and we eat it on my bed "I'm glad Stevie got what she deserved but I didn't mean to hurt her that bad" she says "She's fine, it's sorted. Although they want you out of her lessons" I say "Can't she be moved from mine?" She replies "I suppose she could, I'll give my word in tomorrow, are you sleeping over by the way?" I ask "I don't wanna go home till we have to leave" she says "You can stay here if your mom allows you too and I'll take you home Saturday morning" I say "Of course, if that's okay" I nod and kiss her cheek "Of course it is" I say "I'm going to be bored tomorrow and Friday" she says "True, go out with Dallas or something" I suggest "I could, I suppose" she says! "I'm only buying three gifts while I'm in Dallas other than that I'll be on the beach or in my hotel room" she says "For who?" I ask "You, Jason and Marissa" I smile "You've bought me this though?" I say "And I want to buy you more" she says "Hm, you don't have too" I say "But I want too" She replies "Why?" I ask "Because you're the love of my life and I'll spend every penny on you"

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