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Lauren's POV
"Woah" my jaw drops to the floor "Now I feel underdressed" I say "No, stop you look fine" she says "You look beautiful" I say "Thank you.." She replies "Ready?" She asks. I nod and we get into my car and drive around 4 miles out of town. We reach where I planned to go and we step out, I walk around to her and i grab her hand, she looks hesitant at first "Nobody knows us" I reassure her, she nods and settles into my touch, I smile "Table for two, Daiz" I say "Of course right this way" The waiter says, we get sat down and begin looking at the menu.

Once we've ordered, we make small talk, the waiter keeps glancing at me and it's really annoying Demi "Can he just keep his eyes focused on his work rather than your boobs?" Demi says, I laugh "Baby girl, calm down" I say as I grab her hand, he looks over again, Demi stands up and slowly walks towards him, I walk behind her "Okay, do you seriously have a problem or something?" She asks "Excuse me?" He asks "You've been eye fucking her for the past 45 minutes, have you got a problem?" She says, I stand back trying not to laugh "Ma'am please calm down" he says "Calm down. She is with me, we are on a date. She is my girl" she says, I stop dead in my tracks 'She is my girl' i dont know if I can be that committed, but I liked the sound of it.. I turn my attention back to her "You've been staring at her boobs the whole time we've been here from the second she walked into the door? Is it the hickey on her neck or something? The fact I can give her them and she can actually enjoy it? Because there is no fucking way you are getting near her" she says " I-" he gets cut of "We'll get you a new waiter ma'am" the manager says "Thank you" she flips her hair slightly and walks back to her seat, she sighs and runs her hand through her hair "Are you okay?" I ask her "Yeah.." She replies "To say you're what 17 you're so fucking fierce" I say, she smirks "What can I say" she winks. I smile, and shake my head, she laughs. "Your meals ladies, again sorry for the inconvenience" the waitress says "No problem at all" I smile "Thank you" Demi says.

We make small talk throughout our meal "So what are your plans tomorrow?" I ask, taking a sip of my wine "Uh, well around 2/3 me and Marissa are going to her house then at like 6 I'm going bowling with Stevie" she says "Is Stevie a guy?" I ask "Nope, she and her friend, Ally have just moved to our school and Marissa is friends with them and I met them earlier today and Stevie asked me to bowling" she says, I can't help but feel jealousy.. "Oh, well uh have fun" I say.. I look down and pick my fork up again and eat some lettuce. We finish up and I pay, we get into the card it's pure silence "Are you okay?" She asks "I'm good" I reply, she sighs "I don't want to make things awkward or make people suspect whatever were doing that's why I agreed to go with Stevie.." She says "I know, I just when you called me your girl it's like I want to be that committed to you but because I'm your teacher it's hard to be that committed and I want to be" I say, she smiles "I'd rather hide having you then not having you at all" she says, I smile, we arrive to my house and we go inside.....



The next morning, it's around 11 am, I mean we did stay up till 5 ish. I look over to her and she's sleeping peacefully, I smile at her and cuddle close to her, she's so warm; I bury my head into the crook of her neck and she like turns so her arm wraps around me, I kiss her neck and rest my head down on her shoulder, I then feel a kiss on my forehead, so I look up and smile, she smiles down at me "Morning" I say "Good morning" she replies. I step out of bed and slip pyjama shorts on and a tank top, she just watches me "You are so beautiful" she says, I don't reply I just blush, she laughs and I giggle "I'll go make breakfast and you can fix yourself up" I say, she nods and I leave the room.

I just make a simple breakfast, egg whites, bacon, toast, sausage, etc! I pour two glasses of orange juice, she walks downstairs "Hey what's wrong?" I ask "I got my period" she sighs "We're you not supposed too?" I ask "No, I was supposed to get it next Monday" she says "At least you're good for the weekend next week" I say "Hm, I guess, I'm only on for like 3 days anyway" she says "Exactly, anyway I made breakfast" I say, she sits and we eat. It's a peaceful silence until we've finished "I don't want this weekend to be over" she says.. "I know but I'll see you after school tomorrow" I say, she nods "We still have two hours we can watch a little movie?" I ask "Of course" she says as she grabs my hand and we go through to the longish, she sits next to me while I put a random movie on "Pitch Perfect" she says "I need to see number two" I say "Ah!" She says, clearly thinking about something, she cuddles into my side and rests her arm over my stomach. "You know I've never felt like this for anyone" she says "I never wanted anyone to teach me the morals of anything.." She says "But something about you drew me to you.. And when you declined first.. I knew you were worth trying again.. So I did and it worked" she says, I smile down and kiss her forehand "You really are something else Lovato" I say, she smiles and kisses my lips...

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