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Demi's POV
I wake up and Lauren is cuddled to my side, the previous hours replay in my mind, I look at my phone and it's 4:30pm, I smile. I have 4 texts, two from Marissa, one from Stevie and the other is from Dallas

Demi, where are you?x

Seriously, tell me if you're with L? I'll cover for you xxx

-I'm staying at L's! I'll see you tomorrow outside of my house xxx

Okay, i love you Demz xxx

-i love you more than anything Mar xxx

I look at my other texts.

Where'd you go b?x

-I had to go somewhere, see you tomorrow!!

Then the text from Dallas.

Hey! Wanna go out tonight, movies or something?x

-me and Mar are having a sleepover, sorry Dal! Maybe tomorrow!! X

No problemo sis x

I lock my phone and Lauren is still sleeping, I can feel she wasn't just having sex with me, she made love to me and I made love to her. I smile and trace shapes on her arm, she wraps her arm around me and rests it on my chest, I smile. I grab my phone again and hide her face and make sure it looks nothing like her. I smile and post it onto my snapchat, I caption it 'my beautiful🙈' I lock my phone, I feel Lauren start to stir. I look at her and she slowly opens her eyes, adjusting her eyes to the light "Hey beautiful" I say, she smiles and buries her head in my neck "You're blushing" I say "Nooo, I'm not" she says "Look at me" I say laughing "No" she says "Pleaseee" I say "Nooo" she replies, I kiss her neck "Please baby girl" I whisper, she bites my neck, and I laugh! "What do you wanna eat?" She asks, I smirk "You'd be nice right now" I say, she blushes again "Stoop" She whines "Just kidding i dont know" I say "I'll cook something" she stands up and walks out of the room, I smile and change into my pants and shirt on, I follow her down "L" I say "Yeah" she replies "While you cook, I'm going to get fresh clothes and stuff for school tomorrow" I say "Okay, don't be long and hide the hickeys" she says, I nod and she pecks my lips "Be right back babes" I say, she laughs and continues to cook.

I drive home and walk in "Hey guys" I say "Hey Demi" my mom says "I met this new girl last week and we agreed to have a sleepover, she goes to my school, is it cool if I stay over?" I ask my mom "Of course, no funny business"
She says, I laugh "Okay,'I'm gonna grab some stuff and go" I say, she nods and I walk upstairs, I grab my shorts and change my underwear, I put some clothes for school in my bag and then kiss my mom goodbye "Bye Demi" Maddie says "Bye Mads, text me okay" I say, she nods and hugs me. I walk out to my car and speed off to Lauren's.

Once I get there, she's still cooking, she has the tank top I left, here and panties, I walk up behind her and hug her "You were fast" she says "Yep" I say "Can you grab two glasses of water or milk, or juice whatever you want I'll have and put them on the table please?" She asks "Of course" I kiss her cheek and grab what she asked, I get two glasses of water and set them on the table. She then comes over with two, I presume Spanish dishes and it smells great "It smells and looks great" I say, she smiles and we begin eating.

That was by far the best meal I've ever had! "That was delicious" I say "Thank you" I say, she smiles "You're a great Spanish cook" I say "Maybe because I am Spanish?" She says, I laugh "True" I laugh. I help her put our plates into the dishwasher before we go to her room again, I pull my trousers off and lay in my underwear and oversized shirt, she puts the TV on and I sit on my phone. I start viewing my snapchat and some of my story that I posted of me and Marissa. I go to the last one where it's of Lauren "Is that me?" She asks "I haven't slept with anyone else, so yeah" I reply. "That's so cute, I hardly recognised it was me" she says, I laugh, I go off of snapchat and onto Maddie's texts

Having fun with Miss Daiz?;))) x

-MADS. You're 10, stop!x

Ayoooooo! I saw the hickeys. You're soooo lucky Mom and dad didn't see them!x

-technically they couldn't of done anything due to the fact I'm 18 next week 😁!!x

Fair point but anyway, have you told Miss D, it's your birthday? X


I think you should x

-maybe i dont know! x

Gotta go, going to the store! Later Demz xx

-bye Mads! Xx

I smile "So it's your birthday next week?" Lauren asks "You saw?" I ask "Yeah, which means the weekend we're going to have to do something special" She says "Like what?" I ask "I dont know yet, but it's gonna be extra special" she says, I smile and kiss her lips "How. Special. Is. special." I say in between kisses, she smirks and I pull away from her, I lay back onto the bed and she lifts my shirt up "You've got some ass on you girl" she says "I'm not complaining about yours" I say "Only because you grab it every second" she says, I laugh, she starts to trace my back and leave little kisses..

Tonight is going to be really relaxed and I like it.

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