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Demi's POV
I wake up and Lauren is stroking my arm "Hey beautiful" she says "Hey baby" I say, she smiles "What time is it?" I ask "7:54" she replies, I nod "We slept a while" I say "It was only two hours baby girl" She says. "Oh" I say laughing. "Will you stay with me?" I ask, she nods. I hear my phone go off "Hello?" I say, "Hey sweetheart, were going to be out because Eddies father is in town so we're staying at a hotel with him and Maddie and Dallas are coming home at 9. Is Lauren with you?" I say "Okay. Tell him I said hey, and yeah she is" I say, Lauren starts kissing up my neck "Hm. Okay, bye mom" I say as I end the call. "Baby!" I whine "Your neck is so soft" she whispers "How do you hide your hickeys" I say "I put concealer on them and add my make up foundation" she says "I'm just to fabulous to hide them" I say, she laughs "You're something else baby girl" she says, I smile. I kiss her chest and lay my hands on her boobs "I'm so glad these are mine" I say, she rolls her eyes "There never ever gonna be someone else's" she replies "Good because I love them so much" I reply. She starts laughing "Be right back. I'm gonna shower" she says "Okay" She goes to my en suite and I go to the main bathroom, I do what I need too before coming back in and she's not out yet, I change into shorts and a shirt before putting clothes inside of the door for her, I sit on my bed and watch TV, I hear her come out and get in next to me, she cuddles up next to me and I lay my head on her head, we continue to watch the show until someone bursts into my door making me jump "Dude! What the fuck?" I say, Dallas laughs and Maddie sighs "Dallas, they could've been naked" Maddie says, I roll my eyes "Hey Lauren" Dallas says "Hey" She replies "So we are gonna order pizza, want some?" She asks "Sure, what about you?" I ask Lauren, she nods. I tell Dallas what I want and what Lauren has! She nods and walks away, I rest my head on her shoulder and she rests hers on top of mine "Hey baby?" She says "Yeah?" "I love you" she replies "I love you more"

It's 11am and I'm waiting for Lauren to finish getting ready.. I'm feeling sorta bad today, my body hurts. I then start feeling my lungs start to fill.. I feel like I'm drowning, I try screaming for Lauren, until she runs to me and I'm on the floor "Demi" She says, she lifts me and we run downstairs, everybody is out so she drives as fast as she can to the hospital "Please don't go on me.." She says.. I feel choked. I feel myself coughing and choking...I feel my eyes closing as I lay on the hospital bed.


I wake up and my mom is next to me and Lauren is the other side "Demi" My mom says! I look at her "My chest hurts" I say "I'll grab a doctor" my mom says.. I look over and Lauren is sat there "How are you feeling?" She asks "Please don't cry" I say "I'm sorry.. I should've helped" she says "You brought me here.. you saved me" I say "You're my girlfriend, I'll always save you" I smile. The doctor walks in "Hello Demi, how are you feeling?" He asks "My chest hurts a lot.. And my head" I say "Perfectly naturally after what happened. Basically your lungs started filling with water, a sign or big sign you had pulmonary edema. Which is now settled, we've given you a blast of something to cure it and also some therapy that helps, if you ever feel your lungs filling again, come straight back" He says, we nod "How long is she in for?" Lauren asks "I assume based on how much it got filled, till Tuesday" He says, I sigh "Okay" She says. "Your father is on his way" my mom says "Okay" I say, I turn over "I'm so tired" I say "Go to sleep beautiful" Lauren says "Will you be here when I wake up?" I ask "Of course" She replies "I'm not leaving" she says again. "Thank you" I say

Short but exciting

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