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Demi's POV
I don't think I've ever been so attached to someone's lips.. She has full control over me and it's hard, because if she breaks my heart I'm done. I just want to mean something to her.. I don't wanna be an object to her, I mean I'm her student there's 3 years between us.. I want her to teach me but I want her to love me.

I smile as she moves from my lips to my neck, I can feel her kiss over the hickey she made yesterday, I pull her face so she's looking at me, she smiles and I push my lips onto hers flipping over so she's underneath me, she smiles into the kiss, I move my lips down to her neck, I swirl my tongue around her sweet spot causing her to moan, I smile and continue kissing her neck and her jawline till I meet her lips again "Let's go upstairs" she says, I nod.. I'm nervous.. I'm giving her what she wants, not the other way round this time and it's weirdly scary. I don't wanna do it wrong. She's the first person to ever touch me intimately it wasn't making love, I was just sex. We get to her room and I see the king size bed that's exactly the same as mine. I giggle and she turns around "What's up?" She asks "We have the same bed" I say, she laughs "Seriously?" She replies,
I nod! "That's crazy" she giggles! I nod.

She slowly begins to take her necklace off, I take this as an opportunity to go behind her and slowly remove her blazer, she turns around and smiles "You're so beautiful" I say, before pressings my lips onto hers, she walks us to the bed where I crawly on top of her, we make out for what seems life forever, till I feel her hands go under my shirt and then she tugs on the hem of my shirt wanting to pull it off, I help her get it off before she throws it somewhere else, she runs her hands over my back, they're so warm, she sits up a little and I pull her shirt off leaving her in her black lace bra, I smile and continue to kiss her lips, her hands roam over my body and she traces my spine, I push my hands behind her back and unhook her bra "Are you sure you're okay with this?" I ask "If I wasn't I would've stopped you by now" she says smiling, I smile and throw her bra else where, I kiss down her chest and down to her breasts, I pull her nipple into my mouth, making her moan, I swirl my tongue around it, while massaging the other one with my hand, she moans sort of loudly, but it's so hot, I give the same treatment to the other one, before kissing down her torso and slowly pulling her trousers off of her legs, I smile "God your body is beautiful" I say, I see her blush and she runs her hands through my hair, with the videos I've seen, I'm pretty sure I know what to do. I think to myself.. I hook my fingers around her panties and drag them down, once they're off and on the floor, she moves up the bed a little, I kiss her inner thighs and she looks at me "It's okay, you're doing it right" she says reassuring me, I then slide my tongue down her folds and she moans so I assume I'm doing it right, I continue to do that until I push my tongue inside of her, I feel her tangle her hand in my hair, she grabs one of my hands and entwined our fingers, I can feel the sweat on her stomach and I've caused this, I continue doing what I'm doing, until I feel her squeeze my hand and her legs buck, I think she's gonna cum. I start going a little faster and making it worth it, she lets out a string of moans until I feel warm liquids form in my mouth, I smile and lick the juices from around her, I hope I did it right,
I lift my head up and she pulls me to her "That was so fucking hot" she says, I bite my lip and smile "Nobody has ever made me cum like that" she says "Nobody?" I ask "Nobody" she smiles before connecting her lips to mine, she flips us over and waists no time in pulling the remainder of my clothes off. She kisses every inch of my body, before connecting her lips to my vagina, she licks my folds and then she sticks her tongue inside of me and like I dont know eats me out, it feels so fucking good "Fuck Lauren" I moan, she smiles and continues, after she's done that for as long as she needed she swaps her tongue for her fingers, she pushes two fingers inside of me, she starts off slow and then picks up her pace, my moans are ridiculous but it feels so good, she comes up to my face still pumping her fingers in me, she kisses me "How does it feel to have someone in control of your body" she whispers as she goes a little faster and begins to curl her fingers "So fucking good, oh my god" I moan, I scratch her back as I feel myself begin to cum "Fuck Lauren, I'm gonna cum" I moan, she nods "Cum for me baby girl" she says, I feel myself release onto her fingers "Do you realise how hot that really was?" She says "I dont know was it?" I ask "Yes, your moans are so fucking hot" she smiles, she sucks on her fingers, licking all the juices from it before kicking me clean! "You're so beautiful" she says, I smile. She pulls the covers over us and i rest my head on her chest while she traces my spine with her fingers and slowly runs her hands through my hair "I'm so glad I agreed to this" she says, I smile "I'm glad you agreed too" I say, I lean up and kiss her lips "You can go to sleep you know" she says "I know but I like this moment, it's peaceful" I say, our legs are entwined, she's tracing shapes on my spine and our hands are connected.. It's a cute moment and I wanna stay in it forever.. Marissa is gonna end my life tomorrow "Marissa is taking me for lunch tomorrow but she said she'd bring me back here, is that cool?" I ask "Of course. You don't have to ask to go out" She says "I know but I didn't know if you planned anything, sorry" I say "I planned something for the evening yeah, but not for the day" she says "What did you plan?" I ask "A surprise, but wear fancy clothes" she says, I nod. Slightly, my eyes feel heavy as I slowly close them, our hands still entwined and she's still softly running her hands over my back.

Maybe this is something new.

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