Chapter 32

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But this thought was quickly dismissed by Ruan Li. No matter how beautiful it was, it couldn't change the fact that her hands were covered in blood.

Lo Qingci was unaware of her thoughts; she was filled with joy. The year and a half of effort had not been in vain. Ruan Li had finally reached the Qi Refinement Stage One. As soon as the Spirit-Refining Pills were ready, she could help accelerate the healing of her meridians and prevent any lingering issues due to her impatience.

However, she had underestimated Ruan Li's strength. She had thought that the surge of spiritual energy would end with the storm, but Ruan Li struggled, saying, "I can't control it."

In the next moment, the surrounding spiritual energy once again surged rapidly into her limbs and bones.

While such a breakthrough would be highly desired by others, for Ruan Li at this moment, it was dangerous and painful.

Lo Qingci began to sweat on her forehead as Ruan Li's eyes turned bloodshot and her mouth and nose started to bleed due to the influx of spiritual energy. Lo Qingci could clearly sense her pain and fear.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here," Lo Qingci said softly, and then swiftly moved her hands from Ruan Li's shoulders to her palms. They sat down facing each other with their palms touching.

Lo Qingci used her own body to draw the excessive spiritual energy into herself, then gradually transitioned it to Ruan Li's body.

The effort required was immense. Intercepting someone else's advancing spiritual energy was risky; a moment's negligence could result in backlash.

This continued for an entire hour. Lo Qingci's old injuries began to throb, and Ruan Li was also suffering.

Lo Qingci was using this opportunity to help Ruan Li clear her meridians, opening the constricted channels bit by bit. The pain involved was considerable.

Eventually, the situation stabilized. Lo Qingci withdrew her hands, glanced at Ruan Li, and stood up. She discreetly covered her mouth with her right hand and wiped away the blood from her lips.

Ruan Li opened her eyes and saw Lo Qingci's actions. Noticing the pained expression on her face, she immediately realized what had happened.

Exhausted and weak, Ruan Li could only feebly ask, "Master, are you injured?"

Lo Qingci's chest was churning with blood and pain. The restriction that was supposed to trigger later seemed to have been activated prematurely today.

She had initially intended to use this as a pretense to gain Ruan Li's sympathy, even though the dragon cub wasn't particularly concerned for her, she hoped to make her understand her concern for her apprentice. However, realizing her old injuries were left over from the Dragon King's battle, she quickly abandoned this thought.

Lo Qingci's old injury from the dragon-slaying battle was no longer a secret. If Ruan Li found out, her sympathy might be replaced with more trouble, potentially a large gift pack.

So, she stiffly kept her hand behind her back, pretending as if nothing was wrong, and said in a soft voice, "Just a little tired. This bit of spiritual energy isn't a problem. You've reached Qi Refinement Stage Two, which is progress, well done."

Ruan Li struggled to her feet and bowed deeply, saying, "Thanks to Master, I could reach this point. If it hadn't been for Master's timely intervention, my meridians might have been damaged beyond repair."

Lo Qingci didn't respond; she was feeling too unwell.

The resurgence of her old injury was severe, and the cold energy that hadn't flared up for a long time began to stir. If it didn't subside, it might either provoke Ruan Li's old resentment or reveal her true identity.

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