Chapter 198: Extra 5 (Side)

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T.N: Ci You/The Evil Thought is the OG Ruan Li

The matter between the two had been thoroughly laid bare. Although the regrets weighing on their hearts couldn't be completely erased, it nonetheless freed their hearts from the boulder pressing down on them.

Luo Qing hesitated slightly, glancing at the Evil Thought, who was also secretly watching her. When their eyes met, they both awkwardly turned away.

The Evil Thought understood Luo Qing's character; even though she claimed she wanted to change, it wouldn't happen overnight. So, she spoke up, "Master, do you have any plans for the future?"

Both of them were no longer their former selves, making their identities feel awkward. Whether it was the Huai Bamboo Immortal or Luo Qingci, in Luo Qing's view, they all belonged to the past. She was destined never to return to that world.

She had nothing to lose; even without Ruan Li's identity, she felt no loss. Thinking of this made the Evil Thought ache a little, and she raised her eyes to look at Luo Qing.

Luo Qing gazed directly into her eyes, a slight smile on her lips, "I've given myself a new name—Luo Qing. From now on, I am no longer Luo Qingci, nor am I the Huai Bamboo Immortal. As for what to do, I've lived my life like a puppet, unable to control anything, burdened by too many worries. Now that I've shed the identity of the Huai Bamboo Immortal, I have also gained my freedom. The world is vast; where can't I find a place for myself? I once thought that if given the chance, I would measure the myriad mountains and rivers with my own footsteps and seek my own sanctuary."

As she spoke, she tucked her left arm behind her back, her spine straight as a cold pine in the snow, gazing into the distant horizon.

As she described this, the Evil Thought saw a glimmer of light in her eyes, accompanied by a hint of a smile, revealing an unintentional air of elegance that made her, once belonging to a world of ice and snow, bask in sunlight, incredibly radiant.

This was a side of her master that the Evil Thought had never seen before, and yet this version of her felt so fitting.

She thought that whether it was the Huai Bamboo Immortal before her or that Luo Qingci, they should both be like this.

She stared too intently, drawing Luo Qing's attention. Luo Qing turned to look at the Evil Thought, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

The Evil Thought quickly averted her gaze, her eyes darting around. "Nothing... I just think that Master looks... free."

"Free? How so?" Luo Qing felt that she had something to say but realized she had never interacted with her disciple in such a relaxed atmosphere and didn't know much about Ruan Li.

The Evil Thought cleared her throat and replied softly, "Just now, Master seemed so carefree and unrestrained. It's good this way; Master should be like this."

The faint smile in Luo Qing's eyes froze at the Evil Thought's words, a pang of bitterness mixed with warmth surged within her, and after a moment, she spoke in a slightly hoarse voice, "I never thought anyone would describe me as carefree."

The Evil Thought felt a twinge of discomfort. Although she knew that Luo Qing had often lamented that she wasn't as free-spirited as Luo Qingci, she could still glimpse her master's heart.

Together, they looked towards the distant heavens, the Evil Thought seriously said, "There will be more of that in the future."

After she spoke, the Evil Thought suddenly looked nervous. After hesitating for a long time, she cautiously asked, "If Master wishes to see this vast land, may I accompany you?"

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