Chapter 177

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Luo Qingci's whole body was trembling with cold. She watched helplessly as the Heavenly Demon Eye flowed into Ruan Li's body, and saw the demonic energy that Ruan Li had struggled to suppress begin to erupt.

"Ah Li, no, stop," she choked out, her breath coming in ragged gasps. This sense of despair was truly enough to destroy a person's sanity. Her reckless actions, at any cost, were all meant to help Ruan Li avoid the already written conclusion of this fate.

But now, it seemed as though she had become a catalyst in this predetermined destiny, leading Ruan Li step by step into this trap.

Ruan Li could still hear Luo Qingci's voice. She knew what she was facing and tried to resist, but her willpower was crumbling inch by inch.

She was terrified. The excruciating pain was twisting her expression, but the worst part was the clear sensation of something gradually separating from her body.

It felt as if this body was slowly slipping from her control, and the person who had occupied her entire life was also dissipating bit by bit.

"Master... Master." She struggled to turn her head to look at Luo Qingci. Amidst the blood-red haze, Luo Qingci's figure was still so clear.

So clear that Ruan Li could see every expression, every feature, and the desperate, helpless tears at the corners of her eyes. Each tear fell, cold and without warmth, making Ruan Li's heart tremble.

She wanted to tell her not to cry, but the words that came out were uncontrollable, only fragmented and broken sounds, "Master... Master... Chi Qing... Chi Qing..."

She murmured for her master, calling out Luo Qingci's original name with eyes full of pain. Even so, she still struggled against the encroaching demonic energy, fighting for a shred of clarity.

The surrounding people couldn't hear this, but Luo Qingci could hear it all too clearly. The calls of "Master" and "Chi Qing" broke her heart, the pain making her bite her lip, unable to stop her tears. "Ah Li, no, you can't. You can't."

Ruan Li's condition was obviously deteriorating. Even when she had lost control to the demonic influence at Tianyan Sect, she hadn't been like this. Her expression grew increasingly fierce, and the pain and affection in her eyes gradually disappeared, leaving no warmth.

"Ruan Li... Ruan Li has been corrupted by demons!" Someone in the Immortal Sect cried out in terror and despair, as if this shout had completely awakened Ruan Li.

She suddenly turned her head to look at Mo Yan, whom she had been holding down, and then released Luo Qingci.

Before Luo Qingci could react, Ruan Li let out a long, mournful howl, her entire aura erupting outward.

Her hair, once tied up, now flowed wildly in the turbulent and violent demonic energy.

Luo Qingci was thrown out by the shockwave from Ruan Li's released energy, despite being so close to her.

Mo Yan, on the other hand, bore the brunt of this impact.

With the Heavenly Demon Eye extracted from his body, most of his demonic energy had dissipated. He was left in a daze, only able to defend instinctively.

Ruan Li's eyes were cold. Without a word, her Clear Abyss Golden Sword, entwined with demonic energy, slashed down fiercely at Mo Yan.

Mo Yan struggled to break free, summoning his spirit sword and raising it in a hasty defense, retreating quickly.

"Master!" On the other side, Su Yu and Cheng Su rushed over to support Luo Qingci after she was thrown.

But Luo Qingci only had eyes for Ruan Li. Staring blankly at her, she pushed Su Yu and Cheng Su away, murmuring in a daze, "Ah Li."

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