Chapter 109

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Luo Qingci couldn't understand why this thought suddenly popped into her head. Ruan Li's appearance was too sudden, and she didn't react in time.

In this moment of distraction, Ruan Li had already grabbed the spirit rope with her right hand and leaped into the air. As the dragon that had fallen to the ground attempted to soar into the clouds, she mounted its back directly.

Sensing the presence of someone on its back, the dragon began to thrash wildly in the air, darting left and right through the clouds in an attempt to shake off Ruan Li.

Luo Qingci watched as Ruan Li and the dragon vanished into the sky, feeling a pang of worry. She was also unsure where to place the child in her arms. While she hesitated, Qin Jian and the second elder of the Nanhua Xianzong arrived. Without a word, Luo Qingci handed the child to Qin Jian.

"Hold on to this. Ruan Li is chasing the dragon," she said, then transformed into a streak of ice-blue spiritual light and shot toward the sky.

Qin Jian was confused by her words. As he was trying to understand, the child in his arms began to cry when it realized Luo Qingci was gone. The child cried so loudly that Qin Jian was flustered and at a loss.

He felt like he was holding a hot potato and didn't know what to do.

"Where's Xifeng?" the second elder of Nanhua Xianzong asked anxiously, but upon finding no one, he too vanished.

With the child crying heart-wrenchingly in his arms, Qin Jian eventually realized he needed to use a sleep spell to calm it down.

"Ruan Li is chasing the dragon? Wasn't she with Su Yu? How did she end up here?"

Luo Qingci hovered in the clouds, observing her surroundings. The sky was already obscured by swirling clouds and mist, making it difficult to see.

She closed her eyes and formed a hand seal. An ice-blue spiritual force emanated from her, spreading rapidly and dispersing all the fog and clouds in its path.

At the same time, she detected a familiar spiritual force from the southwest and immediately headed that way.

When Luo Qingci saw Ruan Li, she was engaged in combat with the dragon, holding Qingyuan in her left hand and using it to disrupt the dragon's vision. Her right hand wielded the sword's energy, targeting the dragon's reverse scales with precision.

Ruan Li was currently at the early stage of the Golden Core realm, while the dragon, having been demonized, was at the Spirit Severing realm. The spiritual rope Luo Qingci had used was already exhausted and severed, leaving Ruan Li to rely solely on her own strength.

Luo Qingci initially intended to intervene but stopped when she thought of something, instead watching silently from the side.

Ruan Li's swordsmanship was already exceptional, and standing on the flying sword, she moved as if on solid ground, perfectly keeping up with the dragon, which had an inherent advantage in the air.

As the battle raged on, the dragon roared, spiraled upward, and suddenly turned back, its front claws aimed directly at Ruan Li's face.

Ruan Li frowned, gripping Qingyuan and raising it to block the dragon's claws. The force was heavy, and Ruan Li gritted her teeth to endure it, her body sinking heavily before stabilizing.

The dragon's tail was particularly agile, sweeping through the air and aiming a strike at Ruan Li.

This made Luo Qingci's heart tighten, and she readied her spiritual power.

Ruan Li's right ear twitched despite her inability to turn her head, hearing the sound of air being cut. She gathered her breath, descended, and used the flying sword's momentum to spin and strike.

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