Chapter 16

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As her thoughts reached this point, the bamboo forest in the scene was suddenly swept by a fierce wind. What had been a gentle rustling of leaves became violent shaking, bending the bamboo stalks.

Luo Qingci watched as the people in the scene raised their sleeves to shield themselves from the wind and sand. Soon, the angry and rough cries of the three-legged crows exploded from the cracks, with the crows swooping down on the crowd like dark clouds caught in a hurricane, blocking out the sun.

In an instant, this group of inexperienced youths was thrown into chaos.

The three-legged crows went wild, their sharp claws slashing as they descended. Wherever they went, young teams that had never encountered such a scene were either tossed into the air or had their shoulders slashed open.

Screams and cries of terror erupted, creating a chaotic scene.

Jade tokens were crushed, and over a hundred of the seven hundred disciples had been eliminated in the blink of an eye.

There were less than a hundred people still standing. Among them was Ruan Li.

Most of the disciples participating in the trial had already touched the threshold of cultivation, with teenagers in their teens possessing the ability to use spiritual power.

The remaining people were all using their spiritual power to deal with the three-legged crows. Only Ruan Li, with her dark, unadorned longsword, had no spiritual power and relied solely on her skill to fend off the crows.

"This child is quite interesting," Gu Zhi Chao remarked, having arrived at some point. He focused on Ruan Li and made this comment.

Everyone present was surprised by Ruan Li, but only Luo Qingci's cool, indifferent eyes held a hint of worry.

In the cultivation world, most practitioners focus on training their hearts and spiritual energy, enhancing their physical bodies through spiritual power. Once spiritual power is depleted or lost, their combat ability is no better than that of a strong mortal.

But there are a very few who not only cultivate their spiritual power but also train their bodies. Ruan Li was one of these rare individuals.

Body training meant enduring intense pain and continuous harm. Luo Qingci vaguely remembered that in the original story, Ruan Li had not trained her body at the beginning but had been pushed to do so by her master after becoming a disciple.

Why did things seem different now? Had she brought about a butterfly effect?

After the three-legged crows dove down, whether they succeeded or not, they would pull away to prepare for another round of attacks.

These young disciples were inexperienced in sword control and had limited ranges of spiritual attacks. Facing a flock of three-legged crows with air superiority, they could only clash directly.

"We are outnumbered, and if this continues, we will surely be eliminated. Those who have fallen, get up quickly. Don't waste time, help others first," Ruan Li shouted to those around her, avoiding a three-legged crow with a sidestep.

Indeed, as expected of the protagonist, she was highly perceptive. Luo Qingci was very satisfied; the little dragon had grasped the situation.

Ruan Li swiftly moved to the side of the nearest person, Ye Kong.

The three-legged crows quickly returned, but Ruan Li ignored them, instead turning her sword to stab towards Ye Kong.

Ye Kong's face changed dramatically. He hurriedly turned his head to avoid the attack, and a burst of spiritual power suddenly shot towards Ruan Li's throat.

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