Chapter 124

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When Luo Qingci fell into the cold depths of the pool, she briefly recalled the events from a year ago, as though history was repeating itself.

She saw Mo Yan chasing after Ruan Li and felt her heart tighten. If they couldn't escape this time, everything would be ruined.

"Luo Qingci, don't be afraid," said the system, its voice filled with certainty, instantly giving her a shot of confidence.

She had already known that the system had left her with a final move. She figured that even if she couldn't kill Tianji Zi today, she could still plant a seed of doubt within the ranks of the Immortal Sects.

This wasn't the most ideal time to reveal the truth, but she had no other choice. If she waited until Tianji Zi realized something and reappeared to take control of Tianyan Sect, she wouldn't have another chance to speak out. Even if she did, no one would believe her by then.

Today, by exposing the truth and successfully crippling Tianji Zi, she had completely shattered his prestige, reputation, and insurmountable power. Whether people believed her or not, they would never forget her words for the rest of their lives.

But she hadn't anticipated that Ruan Li, driven by malice, would take such a great risk to sneak into Tianyan Sect and expose herself while trying to save her during her fight with Tianji Zi.

Now, with the dragon clan attacking, the Immortal Sects would once again find themselves in a desperate situation. In their helplessness, they would recall her words and perhaps seek that last glimmer of hope for peace. She could only hope that Su Yu and the others, as in the original story, would be able to turn the tide.

Her consciousness began to fade as she stared at Ruan Li, though her mind remained clear.

The freezing water of the pool enveloped her, flooding her mouth and nose with its bone-chilling cold. The suffocating sensation overwhelmed her.

At this moment, Luo Qingci was no different from an ordinary person. Without a shred of spiritual power, she was quickly numbed by the cold, losing all sensation.

Before losing consciousness, she thought of how Ruan Li had escaped into the pool to avoid being hunted, just as the plot had foretold. The master of this world truly had remarkable power. Even in such a broken state, it stubbornly clung to key storylines.

She had always been frustrated by how the story seemed inescapable, but now, she was profoundly grateful. Because according to the plot, her dear Ruan Li would come through this unharmed.

She closed her eyes and relaxed, allowing herself to slip into unconsciousness.

The freezing water of the pool restored Ruan Li's previously lost clarity. She swam with all four limbs, enduring the excruciating pain in her back as she grabbed hold of Luo Qingci's clothing.

The memory flashed back to a year ago. At that time, Luo Qingci had been just like now, floating helplessly, barely able to breathe, bubbles escaping her mouth.

But this time, her situation was worse. By the time Ruan Li grabbed her, Luo Qingci had already lost consciousness. This realization caused Ruan Li's pupils to contract in alarm. She quickly transformed into her human form, holding Luo Qingci tightly, tilting her head to transfer her spiritual energy and breath into Luo Qingci.

As she transformed, a dark demonic mark appeared on her forehead, shaped like an iris, deeply etched into her brow. It was a sign that she had already fallen into the demonic path.

In the dark, icy waters of the pool, that mark glowed red like a vivid flame.

Pressing her lips to Luo Qingci's, Ruan Li closed her eyes, pushing her breath into her. Her reverse scale sensed its master's aura and began emitting a soft light, enveloping both Luo Qingci and Ruan Li.

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