Chapter 86

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The words of Ruan Li, filled with confusion and distress, made Luo Qingci's heart ache. She opened her mouth but didn't know what to say.

"A Li, do you hate her?" After a long pause, Luo Qingci could only utter this question.

Ruan Li was stunned; she had never considered this question before.

Because hating Luo Qingci was something that didn't require discussion.

Every time she thought of her father, the pain of losing him at a young age and the regret of not seeing him again became more intense after she left Chi Qing and returned to the Dragon Clan.

As a child, she didn't have the strength of character to endure. After being bullied and enduring unbearable pain, her hatred towards Luo Qingci intensified.

For over a decade, she had sought hope amidst gloom, and her heart was tempered to no longer seek protection and affection. Gradually, her hatred towards Luo Qingci turned from personal pain to a sense of duty and a goal. She no longer wallowed in that pain, especially after Chi Qing appeared; she became more determined not to let hatred control her emotions. She sought revenge not to soothe her own heart but to give her father and her people an explanation.

However, after coming into contact with Luo Qingci and understanding her, she realized that her hatred seemed to be directed towards the identity of Luo Qingci, not the person herself. She had never known what her enemy looked like, and now, facing the living person of Luo Qingci, that hatred couldn't be logically transferred to her.

Ruan Li remained silent for a long time, and Luo Qingci already had an idea. She should have been relieved and happy about Ruan Li's uncertainty, but she felt no joy at all. Her relief and happiness were probably torment for Ruan Li.

Sometimes, forgiving others only means letting go of one's own grievances and concerns. People who are deeply emotional might easily choose the former but struggle to overcome the latter.

"A Li, sometimes merits and demerits are separate; not all merits and demerits can be offset. I never advised you to let go of your hatred because of this. But don't trap yourself in it. People are inherently complex and multi-faceted. It is perfectly valid to hate her for harming your clan and killing your father. It is also perfectly valid to feel grateful to her for protecting you and even think she's not so bad. Her contradictory actions might be a reflection of her multi-dimensional character. Don't torment yourself over this. Just prepare well and leave the outcome to the future, understood?"

Listening to Chi Qing's voice, so tender and considerate, Ruan Li realized that what she liked most about Chi Qing was this—extreme rationality paired with extreme empathy. He always seemed to understand her current pain, comprehend it, and help her.

"Chi Qing, I don't have the right to give up my hatred towards her, nor can I. Do you understand?"

"I understand. If it were me, I couldn't do it either."

"What saddens me is that I never thought of giving up on revenge, even though she treated me like this." Ruan Li's words made Luo Qingci's heart tremble lightly, not out of sadness, but a sense of relief.

"A Li, everyone must pay the price for their actions. No one is exempt. Even if I did those things to you, if you were to take my life in the future, I wouldn't blame you at all. Everything you do is reasonable and justified."

Ruan Li's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said, "You are different. You wouldn't do such things, and I don't want to hurt you."

Her urgency was like a cactus needle embedded in flesh, small and soft, barely noticeable when not touched, but painfully obvious once it is.

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