Chapter 200: Extra 7 (Side)

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After Yun Xuan and Fu Ling left, Luo Qingci was lost in thought, supporting herself on the table.

After a moment, she worriedly said, "I wonder if they can resolve things. Fu Ling hasn't remembered the past, and I don't know how she'll react when she learns the truth."

Ruan Li watched her genuinely concern for Yun Xuan and Fu Ling, and couldn't help but chuckle, "They won't."

She looked a bit puzzled, "How can you be so sure?"

As she bit into her food, she retracted her hand and casually wiped the corner of her mouth.

Keeping her head down while pouring tea for Luo Qingci, she continued, "Fu Ling has been raised well by her. Though she can be a bit naive and carefree, deep down she's very insightful and perceptive. Even if Meng Zhou's memories are hidden, her soul remains the same; there's an unspoken connection between her and Yun Xuan. Even though she hasn't remembered, she still feels a certain familiarity with people and things related to Meng Zhou. Didn't her master notice? Fu Ling studies under Xiao Yun at Tianyan Sect, yet her favorite person is still her senior sister."

Hearing this, Luo Qingci was stunned. She had heard from Su Yu about the connections between her, Meng Zhou, and Yun Xuan. Su Yu's feelings for Yun Xuan were unique; they were considered close friends. Not just Su Yu, but the relationships with Meng Zhou and Fu Ling were also special, akin to siblings who hadn't recognized each other.

"That's true. So are you saying that even though Fu Ling hasn't remembered, she subconsciously has some awareness of her connection to Meng Zhou?"

Ruan Li nodded, "Even if she can't accept it right away, she should be able to figure it out soon. The past isn't just Yun Xuan's pain; Meng Zhou will likely never fully let it go. All these years, Yun Xuan has cherished her without revealing a single hint. But if she comes clean, it would probably just be a matter of time before Fu Ling remembers."

At this moment, Ruan Li was dressed in a light gauzy garment, its gradient red and white fabric flowing gracefully as she knelt.

Since it was just the two of them, Ruan Li casually pinned up her hair with a jade hairpin, letting most of her long hair fall freely, appearing gentle and relaxed.

As she spoke leisurely, pouring tea, her demeanor was calm and warm.

Years had passed since she had to leave for that decade. It seemed Ruan Li had grown up overnight; even though she had returned, she often revealed a composure reminiscent of the old Luo Qingci.

She was also increasingly adept at taking care of her master.

Though she loved Ruan Li's tranquility, she preferred the bright and lovely girl from years ago.

Suddenly, she shifted the topic, asking Ruan Li, "Ah Li, did I embarrass you just now?"

This question caught Ruan Li off guard. She paused her movements, quickly looking up, "Master, why would you say that?"

Luo Qingci pouted, continuing to stare at her, "Just now, Ci You was bragging about the mask she made, saying her master was more capable than me. My hands are too clumsy, and what I make is too ugly, not worthy of being the Dragon King."

The surprise on Ruan Li's face gradually morphed into a smile. She helplessly set her tea cup down, took hold of Luo Qingci's hand, and looked closely at it, chuckling, "She's just jealous of me for showing off. Your craftsmanship may not be the best, but to me, it's unique. Whether it's pretty or ugly, I love it. She can't get to me."

After saying that, her warm fingers squeezed the slightly cold joints of Luo Qingci's hand, then she looked up and softly said, "Moreover, I think your hands are very dexterous."

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