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(Chloe's POV)

"Ms. Ellison! Ms. Ellison! Carter keeps putting his pencil in his nose!" One of my students, Allison, yelled from across the room

"Carter,this is your second time today. If I have to tell you again, I'm not letting you go outside for recess. Do you understand? " I said taking his pencil and giving him a new one.

"Yes Ms. Ellison." Carter said taking the pencil

I sat down behind my desk and continued to grade papers I hadn't finished yesterday. It is 11:37 and my students tend to get irritable close to lunch. They start to annoy each other and never want to sit down. Teaching second graders is hard work but I love to see their adorable faces everyday.

I finished my papers just in time for lunch at 12:15. Its my mini break from my classroom

"OK everyone it's lunch time, so if you have a home lunch, grab your lunch boxes and fall in line with everyone else!" I watched them get their things and line up by the door as they do everyday. Of course Carter was the last because he likes being in charge of turning off the light as we walked out. I walked them down to the lunch room and they all stood in the lunch line while the ones who brought food from home sat down in their usual spots.

"Howdy partner." I heard someone say. I turned around and it was Mr. Gilt. He is a third grade teacher. No he isn't from Texas and so he thinks that since I am, that's a mandatory greeting. Don't get me wrong, he can be nice guy when he wants to but he can be annoying at times.

"Hello Mr.Gilt." I said currently trying to keep an eye on my students

"I thought I told you to call me Harry."

"You did, but Mr.Gilt is more professional. We are co-workers."

"We can be more than that. Why don't you come over to my house tonight for dinner. My wife won't be home." At this point he's rubbing my arm. Not in a "friend" way,but more like "I watch you in your sleep" kind of way.

This man can't be serious. Can he?

"As flattering as that sound, I have a ton of papers to grade over the weekend."

"You'll come around." And with that he walked away

See what I was saying? He's creepy and he let me know he wants to cheat on his wife. No thank you. I am a grown woman who has enough self respect not to be someones mistress.

Anyway I turn back to my second graders who are all in their places. Except Carter Jones. I swear that boy is always getting into something. Now I'm looking for him and I can't find him. I walk over to where the water fountains are to find him sitting next to Leah Maxwell, another second grader, eating lunch.

"What are you two doing over here?"

"Please don't be mad. Leah didn't have a lunch today so I wanted to share." Cater said holding his lunch box up to show me his torn apart sandwhich, apple, and juicbox.

"Thats very nice of you, but why aren't you sitting at a lunch table?"

"She thought everyone would laugh at her."

"Is this true Leah?" She shook her head and took another bite of her part of the sandwich

I'm lost for words at this point. As much of a trouble maker he is, Carter is really a good kid.

"OK, but we leave in 10 minutes to go outside. OK?"

"Yes Ms. Ellison." They both said in unison

I sat down at the end of the lunch table where my student were, making sure I kept an eye on Carter and Leah. I ate my lunch and by 12:45 it was time for them to go outside.

It was October and since I'm in Texas it doesn't really get cold but once in awhile you do get a windy day like today. It will literally last for just today and then it probably won't be back until the end of November. I made sure everyone's sweater was zipped up and ready to go. I sat down with the other teachers while we watched our students play on the playground.

"So. I saw you and Harry talking in the lunchroom." My best friend and fellow teacher Mrs. Gracie Hunter said as she sat down next to me. She's a fifth grade teacher that I met while in college

"Yeah. He's a real creep."

"Yeah but that creep is interested in you. You should give him a chance."

"Gracie, he's married and I'm not interested in him."

"I didn't know he's married. You need to find someone to be with before you're like Ella over there. She's 35 and has been single since high school. I know she has a vibrator or two in her house." We both laughed

"That's not nice to say, but I guess you're right. Its just hard to find a man I'm interested in and he's interested in me also. I have been single for 3 years and I can't seem to find a good man."

"Well maybe you're a lesbian." I looked at her with a raised eyebrow

"No ma'am. I don't like women."

"Thats the only reason I have for you turning down every man down that comes your way."

"I just haven't found the right one. Point blank."

We sat there until 1:30 and then we took our students back inside. Once I had everyone inside and settled I finished my lesson on Math and I let them have the rest of the day playing with the different legos and toys I have in my class closet. It was Friday and I really wasn't in the mood to drag the day on

At 2:45 everyone was getting ready to go when Carter stopped everyone at the door.

"Oh gosh. What now?" I said in my head. He had some flowers in his hand and a cheesy smile on his face. I knew he was up to something crazy. He stood on top of my desk and started to talk.

"Excuse me everybody!" He yelled

"Carter get down from there. You're going to get hurt and it's time to go." I said

"One second Ms. Ellison. I've been practicing all my life for this."

"Your only 7 Carter and where did you get those flowers from." Yeah he ignored me

"I just wanted to say that I really really like Leah Maxwell and she is prettier than all the jewelry in my moms jewelry box."

I looked over at Leah who was still trying to zip her jacket. She looked up and saw everyone looking at her.

"Carter. I like you too. I think we should get married."

"OK that's enough second grade romance for today. It's time to go home now." I said taking Carter off my desk

Carter gave Leah the flowers and they walked out holding hands. I walked them outside to meet their parents and Gracie was waiting outside for me with a big grin in her face.

"I don't like that look." I said as I approached her

"I have the perfect man for you."

"Oh no. Not another one." I said

"Come on. Let this be the last one. Besides Carter and Leah have a better love life than you and they just learned how to tie their shoes." Gracie laughed. I sighed knowing that the next thing I was about to say could possibly get me into trouble.

"Fine. Who is he?"

"Susie Allen's dad."

"Hell no!" I said little too loud. I almost forgot I was still with my students. "But I have a feeling you already said yes." I squinted

"Are you mad?" She asked with a grin

"No. When is this date?"

"Tonight at 8."

"Tonight? Who said I didn't have plans?"

"Chloe sweetheart, you never have plans unless it's to grade papers."

I rolled my eyes. She was right. Here I go on another blind date.

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