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(Val's POV)

"Do you have something to do today?" Chloe asked while she put the bread in the toaster. It was almost 3 but we still wanted breakfast. I was watching her from the where I was sitting at the kitchen table. Her hair was a mess and she didn't have anything on except my shirt. It was a little big on me so it was huge on her and it definitely looked better on her than me. I honestly got lost in a daze just looking at her. Her long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. The way she had to stand on her toes just to get things out of her cabinet.

"Hellooo! I know you hear me talking to you." She said standing over me.

"I'm sorry. I was thinking about something. What did you say? "I said pulling her by her waist making her straddle my lap.

"I asked if you had any plans today."

"I actually do. Around 5:30. Even though its Saturday, I have things to do." She made a pouty face and crossed her arms. "What's wrong?"

"I kind of don't want you to leave." She said wrapping her arms around my neck. I chuckled but she didn't crack a smile. "Val I'm serious."

"I know, but I have a job." She just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms again.

"So what now?" She asked in a serious tone

"With us?" She nodded her head and adjusted herself on my lap. "Well, I want to be with you. The only thing is, do you think you can handle a military lifestyle?"

"I think I can handle it. I know its a serious thing and I just don't want to get overwhelmed."

"Ok, so let's make a deal. We can try this and the moment you feel like you can't take it, its over with."

"That's not fair to you. What if you fall in love and then I leave? What will that do to you?"

"I'll be fine. This is about you."

"No its about us. You have a habit of putting everyone's feelings before yours."

"You sound like someone I know." She didn't say anything. We both were just staring at each other. I don't know what she was thinking, but I was just staring at her natural beauty. Chloe leaned in and kissed me snapping me out of daze. My lips made their way to her neck and I slowly started to kiss and suck on her neck giving her another hickey. I could feel her getting wet through my pants because of the fact she didn't have any underwear on and was sitting on me.

"Keep doing that and you're going to start something." She said in between her low moans

"Well, you are supposed to eat in the kitchen." I said speaking against her neck. She smiled and bit her lip but then her whole face expression changed.

"Hey, what's that smell?" She asked. "It smells like something's burning."

"Yeah I smell it too."

Chloe looked over at the toaster and hopped off of my lap and ran to the toaster. When she took the bread out, it looked like square hockey pucks.

"Aww man." She said throwing them in the trash can. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Its ok. Its just bread." I said

"Its your fault. If you weren't trying to eat breakfast before breakfast, we would have toast." I chuckled and backed away letting her put more bread in the toaster.

After breakfast, we both took showers and it was almost time for me to go.

"You don't really have to go." Chloe said bringing me my jacket

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