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(Val's POV)

I woke up with my blonde beauty next to me. She was still sleep considering she had a long night. I slid out of bed careful not to wake her and took a shower. I stood at the door watching her sleep until I got the idea to make her breakfast. Just as I was finishing the bacon, I felt a pair of small arms wrap around me.

"Good morning soldier. What are you doing up?" Chloe asked

"Good morning Sweetheart and I don't know. I guess I'm used to getting up early. Why are you up?" I turned around to see her once again in one of my shirts. "You like my clothes huh?"

"They're comfortable plus almost all of your clothes are here. You might as well move in and I'm only up because I rolled over looking for warmth but you weren't there. Also, I had to call Mrs. McDonald and tell her I couldn't make it to work today." She let me go and sat on the counter and took a piece of bacon.

"Hey, you have to wait until everything is done."

"Says who?"


"So." She stuck her tounge out at me. I laughed and shook my head

"Umm, would you be willing to leave Texas for a couple of days?"

"Depends on where we're going."

"I want you to come home with me. I need to check on my family and I would love if you came to New York with me."

"Really?!" Her blue eyes lit up. "I would love to go. It would be nice to see the place that created the woman that is Valentine Dexter."

"I want to leave a week after school gets out. You know, so you can get your things together."

"Ok. That's fine." She pecked me on the lips and stole another piece of bacon

"You're going to eat all of the bacon before the pancakes and eggs are done."

"That was my last one. I promise." She giggled wiping her hands on a paper towel. "Oh, I almost forgot. Do you want to come with me to the hospital?"

"Who's at the hospital?"

"Gracie. She had the babies yesterday."


"Yup, twin boys. They are just the cutest."

"Sure I'll go."

I was going to say something else but someone walked in.

"Hey sis." A woman said. She kind of looked like Chloe but with brown hair

"I changed my locks. How did you get in?" Chloe asked

"Mama had a key. Wait, is this Valentine?"

"Yes. Cara this is my girlfriend Valentine, Valentine this is my sister Cara."

"Its nice to meet you." I said shaking her hand

"Its nice to finally meet you. I've heard a lot about you."

"Really?" I asked

"All good things. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Cara said looking at Chloe's clothes.

"Umm no. I'll just go change my clothes." Chloe said. Chloe left and in minutes she was back. "Do you want something to eat? Val made breakfast."

"Uh sure. I don't have to be to work for another hour."

We all sat there and ate breakfast and then Cara left. After, I put on some actual clothes because before I had on sweat pants and a T-shirt. I threw on some jeans and a navy blue button down with my black and blue Vans.

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