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(Val's POV)

It is early saturday morning and I am really excited because I will officially be on the next flight home in 7 hours. I have less than a day before I can make my surprise visit to Chloe. I know it scared her when I didn't contact her for 3 days. I had to explain to her that I couldn't tell her what was going on and that I was ok. She was still on edge and I can't wait to see her and ease her mind. Also, I would like for her to come to New York with me to visit my family. I haven't been able to contact anyone for 2 weeks and I'm starting to get worried. I asked Chloe if she heard from my mom and she said no. She said she usually talk to her at least once a week but no one was answering the phone. Not even Vinnie. Another good part about this is that I'm being honorably discharged. That's right, I'm leaving and never reenlisting again. They can still call me in if they need me but I'm praying that they don't.

Right now I'm getting my things together just like the other excited soldiers. 9 months in Iraq is a lot. I mean, I've done 15 in Afghanistan but its never easy.

My last video call is from Jenna. I haven't spoken to her in weeks

"Hi Val." Jenna said with a big smile

"Hey Jen. Why are you so happy?"

"I want you to met someone." She looked over to her right and waved at someone. It was Kevin and he placed a baby in her arms. "Say hello to Valerie Sophia Jones. She was born a 4 days ago. I can't wait for you to meet her."

"She's gorgeous. Thank God she doesn't look like Kevin." Jenna and I laughed but Kevin didn't. He flipped me off and left the room. "Where's Sara?"

"She's still in school. Its only 1:47 over here."

"Oh ok. Well, have you heard from my parents or my brothers?"

"No. Not recently. Why? Is everything ok?"

"I'm not sure. No one is answering. I hope everything is ok."

"I don't have the slightest clue. I wouldn't worry though. If something was wrong they'd most likely tell you."

"I hope so. Well I'll talk to you later I have some uh stuff to do."

"Ok. See you later."

"See you later. You too Valerie." The signal disconnected and I closed my laptop.

"Best friend?" Higgins asked

"Yeah. I can't wait until I can meet the baby."

"Well at least you can say you made it."

"Yeah. It feels good."

(Chloe's POV)

Its 2 am and I'm at Waffle House with Gracie. Its now Sunday and I'm glad because I would be in trouble. Gracie is out on maternity leave so she would be ok. She just had to have waffles from Waffle House and Larry wouldn't take her, so I she called me and as a best friend I got up and took her.

"You owe me." I said as we sat down

"I know I know. I just really need waffles."

"Do you really need them?"

"Yes. Yes I do." A minute or 2 past and our waffles were here. Right before Gracie could take a bite she froze.

"Are you ok?"

"I think its time."

"For what?"

"The baby." She groaned in pain and dropped her fork

"Oh, the baby is coming!" I stood up and helped her up

"He couldn't wait until I finished my waffles?" I laughed as I helped her in the car and drove off. I was driving as fast as I could without running red lights and crashing but she was complaining. "Why can't you drive any faster?"

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