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(Val's POV)

"Come on! Move it!" A loud voice boomed

Its 4 am and I haven't slept in 46 hours. I got moving along with the rest of the soldiers and headed out. It was hot as hell and I was in full combat uniform with my gun strapped to me.

"Aye hothead! Come here!" Major Locke said to me

"Yes ma'am?"

"Don't let your anger or your feelings get in the way this time. I don't need you getting shot in the ass." Before I could say anything, she turned me around and pushed me in line.

After a series of events I found myself in an abandoned building with Major and 2 others. It was a huge building with bricks and old things scattered around. I kept my breathing at a minimal and made sure not to step on anything. I heard voices which made me hide behind a broken wall. I looked at the broken mirror in front of me to see the window behind me. I saw our sniper and gave him a thumbs up to let him know we were all in.

I couldn't understand what they voices were saying. Out of all the languages I've learned, Arabic and Kurdish wasn't one of them.

I looked above me and realized I was underneath concrete stairs and the enemy was above. I looked over at Major and she gave the signal to move. I moved out first and another soldier second. The only difference between me and him was that dumbass hit his gun against the wall. We all froze hoping they didn't hear. They stopped talking and then one voice said something making Major eyes widen. She understand what they were saying and signaled us to move quick.

As we moved out bullets started flying and one of the soldiers tripped over a brick and broke his ankle. I wanted to go back but it was too late. They already had him. Our sniper was doing a good job on getting some of the guys but he couldn't get them all. In the corner of my eye I saw someone running above us. They were about to shoot Major but I shot him before he could. I watched them make it out and as soon as stepped I out I felt a sharp pain in my thigh. I looked down to see a knife in the leg. I pulled it out and ran to catch up with everyone else.

When we got back to base I was pissed off.

"How the fuck did you do that?!" I asked the person I will now refer to as dumbass as I paced the floor.

"Calm down hothead. What did I say about your temper?" Major said walking in

"No! We failed the mission because he can't control his weapon. Plus we lost a soldier!"

"Sit down!" She scared me making me stop in my tracks and sit down. "What happened to your leg?"

"Someone threw a knife."

"And you didn't say anything. We've been here for almost an hour. Stay here." She left and came back with a kit. She cut my pants and poured alcohol on my wound.

"Ahh fuck!" I screamed in pain

"Shut the fuck up. You weren't crying when you got stabbed." She applied bandages and stood up and called dumbass to follow her.

"Calm down Dexter. You haven't slept in 2 days. You need rest." Higgins said trying to calm me

"Ok, fine." I said. I got up and walked over to where I slept. As soon as I laid down I went straight to sleep.

(Chloe's POV)

I'm currently in the mall with Gracie and Larry shopping for their baby boy.

"So, do you have a name yet?" I asked as we looked through the baby clothes

"I like Kyle or Oliver." Larry said

"I like Daniel. I heard that people named Daniel are nice." Gracie said

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