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(Chloe's POV)

After everyone was gone, I put my classroom back in place and I packed up my things to go. I stayed to finish some paper work in Mrs. Donalds office with her so I was there until almost 6. Now all I had to do was go home.

I picked my bag up from my desk and something fell on the floor. It was a folded piece of paper. I opened it and it was a note from Val. It said: "I had a lot of fun with you and the children today. If you ever need anything you can always call me. P.s. Maybe one day you can teach me how to ride a horse." I flipped it over and her number was on the back.

I smiled as I read the note, but quickly tucked it in my pocket when I realized I was standing there smiling like an idiot. I grabbed all of my things and made my way to to my car but not without Mr.Gilt messing with me. He was leaning against my car with his arms crossed.

"Hello pretty lady." He said with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes as I approached him

"Can you please move? I need to get home. Its almost 6 and I'm really tired."

"Ok I'll move. Can I get a hug first?" I shrugged and walked closer to him. I figured why not. I leaned in to hug him but instead of getting the same in return, he grabbed my ass. I slapped him and he just stood there with his hand on his face. He moved out of the way and I got in my car and drove off almost running over his foot.

When I got home, I took a shower and went to bed. I was so tired and I was glad that I have a doctors appointment the next day. Don't get me wrong I love my students but they can be a handful.

(Val's POV)

I went home and took a shower and after I just laid in my bed. I had 7 missed calls from my mom and was honestly scared to call back. I also had  2 missed calls from Vinnie. I'd rather call him than my mom. It rang 2 times and then he answered.

"Mom is going to kill you." Vinnie said as he answered

"Well hello to you too."

"I'm serious she has been calling you all day."

"Yeah but, I was working. Why can't she understand that?"

"Listen Val, you are mom and dad's baby girl. It doesn't matter if you are this macho woman with ribbons and awards. They don't care if you've killed someone or if you want to marry a woman. In their eyes , you are still a helpless little girl. I was 6 when you were born and mom and dad made me and the twins guard your crib. So yes, she's going to call you everyday because she's worried. When you went to Afghanistan, the lady cooked all day just to keep her mind off things. I literally gained 20 pounds."

"Yes, I know she gets worried but I don't know why. I've been taking care of myself for a while. I have been fine all of this time."

"Not when Dana died. That was the only time the family has ever seen you weak. You didn't eat or sleep in weeks and mom was right there. She took care of you. Maybe she's scared of it happening again."

"Vinnie, I doubt that will happen. I would have to fall in love again."

"Ok baby sister. Look I have to go the girls need to be put to bed."

"Ok, goodnight." And with that I hung up.

I turned on my TV and flipped through the channels but I couldn't find anything. I looked over at the clock and it was almost midnight and I had to get up early for work. I turned my lights off and laid in my bed struggling to fall asleep. I missed the New York traffic outside of my window.

The next morning I went to work. Nothing special happen except I saw Olivia and Nina. The conversation went like this.

"Nina do you remember Valentine?" Olivia said pulling me towards Nina

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