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(Val's POV)

I woke up the next morning with food and loud music flowing through the house.  My mom oddly enough was blasting The Beatles. She loves them and she blast their music when she cooking.

"Its about time. You should have been up 2 hours ago." My mom said

"Ma, its 8. I should still be sleeping."

"Sleeping is for dead people."

"I'm going to die if I don't get enough sleep. Besides you always told me that you need beauty sleep."

"The Hudson women don't need beauty sleep." She only used her maiden name when talking about the women in her family.

"Where's dad?"

"He went to get some more sugar. Dylan is on her way to help me since your brothers have to work."

"Vinnie is a teacher. School is out, Vinnie doesn't have to work."

"Yeah. I know, but Christina wants him to spend time with her since she's taking the girls with her to her parents house for Thanksgiving."

"Aww. I wanted Jessie and Alana to be here with me. I guess I'll see them tomorrow."

"I need you to go wash your hands and help me cut some cabbage and then the filling for the pies."

I went in the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face along with washing my hands. When I came out my dad and Dylan were back.

"Hey soldier. You look tired." Dylan said

"I am. Its 8 in the morning."

"I imagine you get up earlier than this."

"I do, but its because I have to."

"You to need to stop talking and start cooking." My mom yelled from the kitchen. We both sighed and walked into the kitchen. This was going to be a long day.

(Chloe's POV)

Val's been calling me but I refuse to pick up. I don't want to hear anymore of her lies. I wouldn't even know what to say to her if I did pick up the phone. I've been crying a lot too. This is what I get for jumping at my first opportunity. I was just so desperate that I didn't see what I was doing wrong. This is all my fault. The worst thing is, I was really falling for her. Soldier or not, I really thought I was ready.

"What's wrong?" I heard someone say. I looked up and it was Calvin. Does everyone have a key to my house? I didn't answer him. I was kind of embarrassed now. I was sitting on my bedroom floor crying. I just looked up at him and put my head back down. "Chloe, what's wrong?" He said sitting next to me on the floor. I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

"Val." I finally said

"What did she do?"

"She's married. Her wife came to my house yesterday. She told me that they have been married for 4 years and that she just thought that I should know."

"I'm so sorry Chloe."

"Don't be. It's all my fault. I should have just waited."

"You can't beat yourself up about this. How could you have possibly known she was married?"

"I don't know. I just feel stupid."

"Come on." He said standing up

"Where are we going?"

"Out. Maybe to get something to eat. All I know my baby sister will not sit in here and cry."

"So you want me to go out in public and cry?"

"It would make me feel better if you ate something and saw sunlight. So if that means that you start crying in public I'm fine with that."

"Ugh. Fine, give me 5 minutes." I got dressed and met Calvin in his car. We drove to a pasta place called Pasta Pasta. We went inside and sat down. I wasn't really hungry but I knew I didn't eat something Calvin would be mad.

We ordered our food and I kind of just sat there and played with my food.

"I know mama has told you not play with your food." Calvin said

"I don't really have an appetite."

"So you're going to starve yourself?"

"I'm not planning on it."

"Then eat."

"Fine." I took a couple bites of my food and realized it was really good. I finished my food and right before we were about to get up Val called my phone again.

"So you're not going to answer that?" Calvin asked

"No. I don't want to talk to her."

"Avoiding her isn't going to solve the problem."

"You don't have a problem. You're married."

"You know how many breakups I had to go through to get to my wife. Even we have problems."

"Calvin, I'm not answering her call."

"Fine. Its your phone I can't make you do anything."

"Can we leave now. I want to be depressed in my house."

"Ok. Let's go. You better look happy when you go to our parents house for thanksgiving dinner tonight."

"Yeah yeah. I know. I don't need them interrogating me again."

Calvin dropped me off home and I went inside and once again cried myself to sleep. I knew I had to let her go but its hard to push the person you thought was the one out of your life.

I was awaken from my nap by my phone ringing again. This time it was Gracie.

"Hello." I answered

"Best friend you sound sad."

"I am."

"Whats wrong?"

"Val is married."

"Damn. You sure?"

"Her wife came to my house."

"How did she know where you live." I stopped and thought about it. I honestly didn't even think about that.

"I'm not sure."

"Do you need me to come over there?"

"No, Gracie I'm fine. You just need to rest."

"All I do is rest. Larry wont let me do anything. He says its not good for the baby. I'm only 3 months pregnant."

"Just stay home. I'll be ok. Besides I have to be at my parents house in a couple hours for dinner."

"Ok. Well don't let it stress you out. I don't need my best friend going bald." I laughed and hung up. I didn't even want to leave my house. Now I have to go to my parents house.

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