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(Chloe's POV)

I know Val loves me and I know she wouldn't cheat on me but then again I'm still worried. I've just been feeling a little insecure lately. I've always seen the women Val attracts and I don't look anything like them. I've never felt this way before and Val always assures me that I'm the most beautiful woman in the world but lately I've been jealous. Even before yesterday's incident. 

"What are you thinking about?" Val asked me.


"You've been dazed out for awhile now. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. Everything's fine."

"Try again." She stood in front of me and crossed her arms.

"It's about yesterday."

"Sweetheart, I told you what happened."

"Val, I know. It's just- I don't know. I've just been insecure lately. All of these women come after you and it's really hard to believe that you would ignore them for me."

She sighed and put her hand over her face. "Chloe, listen to me and I mean really listen to me. I've been through a lot to have you and keep you and I wouldn't have tried that hard if I didn't know I would raise our kids and spend the rest of my life with you. I'm in love with you and no one can take that away. You were there when I had no one and you changed me for the better. A little over a year ago I would have been in jail for assault to murder. My temper is better and I finally know how to make biscuits from scratch. You're a wonderful mother and I wouldn't want to have a family with anybody else. You've shown me that it's okay to love. I had trust issues but for some reason I jumped right in when it came to you. I didn't second guess it and most importantly, my family loves you. You don't know how much it means to me that my mom loves you. Yeah your mom is a bit perverted but it's fine. It's all out of love, I think. Chloe, I don't want you to ever think anyone can ever take me away from you. You are beautiful, smart, and the only person I know can sing the alphabet backwards which may not be exciting for most but that is magical for me. I love the way you talk in your sleep sometimes and your laugh that you hate so much but I find adorable. I love the way you're always so focused on the big picture and how you smother our kids with overprotectiveness even thought it's kind of a buzz kill for Carter. Chloe please, don't feel like I'll ever leave. I fucking love you." She gently grabbed me by my shirt and kissed me. "And never forget that." She added

"I won't. I promise." I smiled as I looked her in her eyes.

"Good and I know you feel the same way. I also know that there are people that want you too but I'm not worried. Mostly because I'm not completely stable and I might hurt someone but also because I know you love me."

I nodded my head and kissed her again. It's true, Val has changed but Val will still kick someones ass without question.

(Carter's POV)

"I bet you can't flip off of the monkey bars." Joey said. It's recess and that means we get to play outside until our teachers call us in. I never want to go back inside but since my mama is my teacher, it's really hard to have fun and Joey is always teasing me because I can't do fun stuff.

"And you win the bet because I'm not getting in trouble with my mama and Leah doesn't like it when I have scars on me."

"You're such a punk. I'm not afraid of my parents. Your mama is just a buzzkill."

"Hey! That's my mama you're talking about. Only I get to call her that."

"It's not my fault your mama is a boring old lady and your girlfriend is stupid."

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