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(Chloe's POV)

I stood at my door for a minute, trying to decide if I should let her in.

"Why do you want to talk to me?" I asked

"Its regarding Valentine." She said

"What about her?"

"May I please come inside. I'd rather sit down and talk." I exhaled and let her in. We sat down in my kitchen and she began to talk.

"Ok, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Well, its come to my attention that you and Val are together."


"Well I'm here because I thought you should know that she is married."

"She never said anything about being married."

"And she never told me about you. So I guess we're both in the dark here."

"How long have you two been married?" I asked

"Almost 4 years."

I thought she said her girlfriend died 4 years ago

"Wow. Well thanks for telling me."

"No problem. I was trying to help out."

I showed her out the door and walked back to my room. I couldn't believe this. She was married which meant that she was lying to me all this time. I couldn't help but cry. I really thought she had feelings for me. Now I feel stupid. I was nothing but her mistress. She made me feel like she actually cared for me. I wanted to call her but she was still at work and later she would catch a plane to New York.

"Why me?" I asked out loud to no one. It just seems like whenever I thought I found someone, I was so wrong.

(Val's POV)

I got off my plane and took a cab to my parents house. I called my dad before hand and told him to make sure my mom didn't see me walk in. He left the door unlocked and I quietly walk in and put my bags down. I can hear her talking to my Dad and brothers about how I wasn't going to be there for thanks giving the next day.

"The next time I see your sister I'm going to kill her." She said

"Well can you wait until we cut the turkey?" I said walking in. She turned around and almost fainted and then she hugged me tight almost killing me. After a second she stepped back and slapped me. "Ow! Ma, what was that for?"

"That's for not calling your mother." She said

Everyone laughed and then my brothers and dad came to hug me.

"Where are my nieces and nephew?" I asked

"At the park with Dylan." Vinny said. Ok, so just so you know, Dylan, despite her name, is the really attractive cousin. My brothers have a crush on her and we all know it's wrong. She's older than me but younger than the twins and Vinnie.

"Hey, I know that look. You all need to remember that's she's your cousin. That means no staring at her." My mom said

"I'm not married." Daniel said

"So she's still your cousin. Plus you will never get married if you have a new girlfriend every week." My dad said. I laughed but Danny didn't.

"You can't laugh. At least I have a girlfriend."

I wanted to tell them about Chloe, but I figured we aren't "official" yet so why tell them. I was going to say something but I was interrupted by Dylan and the kids. Alana and Jessie ran to me and gave me a hug while David Jr was busy chewing on candy.

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