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(Chloe's POV)

Its been 2 weeks. I've moved in with my parents because I refuse to live in that house knowing I killed someone in my sons room. Breaking up with Val was the hardest thing I've ever done and it kills me everyday but it is for the best. I've gotten used to sleeping next to her every night and being with her everyday. I miss her and everything about her but I'm scared.

"Chloe, you need to go outside and get some fresh air." Cara said sitting next to me on the couch

"I'm fine."

"You've been in the house taking care of the boys. Its time for a break."

"Cara, I'm fine. Really, I just don't feel like doing anything."

"I know you're hurt but you did what you felt was right."

"Do you feel like I was right?"

"Its not about what I think. Its not my life. I know you love her and you care for her. You know, one day I went over to the house and you were still at work. I sat with Val and I had a conversation with her. She told me that her worst fear was losing you and that she would do whatever it took to keep you safe. This was before the twins but I know that goes for them too. Chloe, I know that what happened was scary and I honestly don't know what I would have done if it were me but you have to agree that being with Val has made you stronger and braver. She has made you better and you have done the same for her emotionally but don't take advice from me I don't know anything about you two." She got up and walked away leaving me by myself

She knew what she was doing and I was falling for it but I have to think about our safety first. Right?

(Val's POV)

Something happened with Vinnie so my family had to postpone their visit and I'm glad because I just want to be left alone. Chloe is the love of my life and she just walked out. I understand what happened was dangerous and could have killed us but I tried. I tried to keep her safe. I love her and would give my life for her. I need her in my life but I'm afraid that something bad will happen to her.

"Get up soldier!" I heard a voice say. It was Margo

"How the hell did you get in here?" I said not looking up

"That's not important. You need to get out of bed and forget about her."

"Forget?!" I said getting up. "Forget about the love of my life?! How fucking stupid and heartless are you?! I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love her and the twins and I would give any and everything to have her walk through my door and say she wants to be with me. I wouldn't question it. I would hold her and tell her how much I love her and the twins and promise that I would do whatever it takes to make her stay. You wouldn't know anything about that though. You don't know what love is."

"I don't need love. Love gets you no where but where you are now and I don't have time to be laying around feeling sorry for myself when I have better things to do. I'm not trying to be like you."

"And that's why you're a lonely bitch."

"You know what, I don't have to be here. I came here to help you but obviously you don't need me."

"Then get the hell out.

"You don't have to tel me twice." She grabbed her keys and walked out of my apartment

"Ugh!" I was about to punch my wall but all I could picture was Chloe and how she winced every time I moved towards her when I punched a hole in my parents wall. Well, she has definitely changed me for the better. She was my anger management.

I decided to go for a run. If I didn't get out if this house I would go crazy. Somehow I ended up at my friend, Charles, house and told him about my problems while having a drink or seven.

"So she just left after all of that?"

"Yeah, I can't blame her. She has to worry about her life as well as the twins. I thought I would be able to keep them safe but I failed."

"Don't beat yourself up about this. I promise things are going to work out and I think you've had enough to drink." He tried to take the bottle but I snatched it away and tiik another sip.

"She gave me back the ring I gave her. We were supposes to get married and spend the rest of our lives together with our 3 boys."

"Three boys?"

"Oh, Carter. He's the funniest kid in the world but he doesn't have a family and we made an agreement to adopt him."

"Well, we both know she still lives you and she's just scared. I would be scared too if my life was almost taken from me. She not used to that life. Also, I would advise you to stop drinking before you do something stupid."

"I'm fine. I should just walk home."

"No, I'll drive you. You're drunk and its not safe."

"I am a soldier. I'm stronger than a lot of people. You known what, Margo was right. Maybe I do need to forget her and move on. I'm going to call her and tell her I'm moving on and that she's nothing to me." Charles took my phone from me

"No you're not. Matter of fact, you should just stay here for the night. If I leave you alone, you might do something you will regret."

"Fuck you and give me back my phone."

"Yeah yeah. You can say whatever you want as a friend I'm not giving you your phone. Here's a cover and a pillow you can sleep on the couch."

I'm not sure what happened after that but I known I woke up with the worst headache. I sat up and looked around and realized where I was. Charles came into the living room and sat down next to me with a cup of water and an aspirin

"How are you feeling?" He asked

"Like shit. What happened?"

"Let's just say you turn into a dickhead when you're drunk."

"Did I hit anyone?"

"No, you were about to call Chloe and tell her she means nothing to you."

"Why would I say that? She means the world to me."

"I have no idea. Like I said you are a dickhead when you're drunk."

"Bye Charles." A girl said walking out of his apartment

"Bye gorgeous."

"You had a girl over?"

"Yeah. You were drunk so you went to sleep and I was bored. Sue me."

"Well, I should get going."

"Do you need a ride?"

"Yeah. I still have a headache." Charles drove me home and I took a long hot shower. I still didn't feel like being in my house so I grabbed my keys and took a drive around town. Somehow I ended up on the highway and then I got lost in my thoughts. Before I knew it I was speeding and I crashed my car. I don't remember much from the accident. All I remember is being upside down and the paramedics trying to get me out. After that everything went black.

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