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*3 months later*

(Val's POV)

It's summer break now and that means Chloe and Carter are home all day with me and I love it. Things have been great lately and in a month I'll finally be getting married but before all of that I really want to make things right with a Nick. He hasn't spoken to me since that day at the hospital and I haven't seen Brianna or the baby. I don't even know the baby's name. So I decided to go to his house unannounced. I mean even if I wanted to tell him he wouldn't answer.

I stood at his door for 5 minutes probably looking crazy because I was talking to myself and trying to figure out what the hell I was going to say. Before I could actually knock on the door, it opened.

"You know you look absolutely crazy, right?" Brianna asked laughing. "Come in and sit down."

"Thanks. Is Nick here?" I said walking in now feeling embarrassed. I almost expected Nick to jump out and punch me in the face.

"No but he went to the store. He'll be back soon but he won't be happy to see you."

"Yeah I know and I just want to apologize for putting you through all of that and putting your baby at risk. Nick was only trying to help me and he put you guys in danger."

"Yeah you did but I know if Nick was in your position he wouldn't even have to ask you to help because you're Valentine Dexter and your ego is the size of Texas so you think you can save everybody all the damn time. I'm not mad at you at all but Nick is and he's also mad at himself. He's been blaming himself for months now and you've been blaming yourself too."

"How do you know that?"

"Just because Nick acts like he hates you doesn't mean I hate Chloe. She's a nice person and has helped me through a lot. Sometimes when Nick is in one of his moods and won't talk to me, I call Chloe and she assures me that everything will be okay and that I'm not the only one who's significant other is stubborn and sometimes a dickhead."

"I wouldn't say I'm a dickhead but you're right."

"I know I am. However, I think it's time you met your goddaughter."

"I'm still the godparent?"

"Val, he doesn't really hate you. He's just hurt." She walked away and I followed her into the baby's room. It was white and lavender with flowers everywhere. I looked over into the crib to see a small sleeping baby with curly hair who looked exactly like Brianna.

"Geez, she looks exactly like you. It's like Nick did nothing help make this baby."

"He didn't if you ask me." We both started laugh but we stopped when we heard the front door open and close.

Nick's face drastically changed when he saw me.

"What the fuck is she doing here?" He asked as if I wasn't in the room

"Nick, I think it's time for y'all to talk." Brianna answered

"So you called her over here without telling me?" His voice was a little louder this time

"Actually, I came here unannounced. I tried calling but you never answer." I said but he just looked at me.

"I'm taking Mallory in case y'all start yelling and I'm going to the living room. You two stay in here and talk things out and don't come out until things are resolved and if you two start fighting and mess up her room you two will have to answer to me." I almost said yes ma'am. I felt like I was talking to my mother.

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