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(Chloe's POV)

Its Sunday and Carter is up early unlike the day before. He hasn't stopped moving since he woke up. Now im watching him look around my room.

"What are you doing?" I said standing in the door frame and almost giving him a heart attack.

"I'm uh just looking."

"Mmhmm. Did you find anything?'

"Yeah this hat. Who's is it?" He held up a Yankee's hat. It was Val's hat. I remember when she wore it here. It was the day I got her to ride the horse and she fell off. As bad as I felt, it was still funny.

"It's Sargent Dexter's hat."

"Ha! I knew you 2 are in love."

"What does her hat being here have anything to do with us being in love?"

"Because, that means she was here and that means you 2 were probably kissing." Well he was right. I mean, I wasn't going to tell him that though.

"Well, we weren't."

"Yeah yeah. I'm on to you 2." This kid is really nosey.

"Well, if you want, I can take you home now."

"Can I help you feed the horses before I go? I didn't get to do it yesterday."

"Sure. Its actually time to feed them. Put your shoes on and meet me by the door." He shook his head and bolted out the door to get his shoes

When we got to the stables Carter once again put his cowboy hat on.

"Ok, so can you handle carrying that bundle of hay?"

"Yes. I'm very strong." He said with confidence

"Ok. Here you go." I said handing him a small bundle of hay

He carried it to Midnight's stable and placed in front of her. "Why isn't she eating it?"

"Because you're standing there. She doesn't eat if you're looking at her. I don't know why she's like that but she's always been that way."

"Ok. Well sorry Ms. Midnight. I'll just leave." He walked away and I followed him. Before he walked out he took off his hat and hung it on the wall. "Ok, I'm ready to go home now." He said

"Ok we'll just drive back to the house and get your things and then I'll drive you home."

When we got back to the house, he packed his things and put his bag by the door. I walked in the room to see everything but his crown packed.

"Are you leaving the crown?"

"Yeah, this is officially my room and I need something here so people will know that." He acts like he pays bills here

"Ok then. If you're ready we can go to the car now."

"Ok. I can't wait to see my foster mom again." He said rushing to the car. I'm so happy he loves her and she loves him. Some of my stress is gone now knowing he is safe now.

When I dropped him off, his foster mom was standing outside waiting for him. She looked a lot better and happier. Carter ran to her almost knocking her down to give her a hug. I waved goodbye to both of them and then I drove off. On the way home I noticed the time and realized I was supposed to video chat with Val in less than 10 minutes. I rushed home to get to my laptop and got there just in time.

"Hi sweetheart." Val said

"Hi honey. How's everything going?"

"Fine. I'm back on field now." The very thought of her going back kills me. Like she just got shot and had a couple of broken ribs, yet she wants to go back.

"That's good." I said hiding how I felt

"What have you been up to?"

"Well I had Carter all weekend and I've been finishng lesson plans. I'm also very frustrated."

"Why are you frustrated?

"I don't know. I just am."

"Mmhmm. You sure it's not sexual frustration?"

"Thats one of my problems."

"I'm sorry I can't help make it go away but just know that when I come back you're all mine." I smiled and put my hands over my face trying to hide how red my face was. "You're cute when you blush." She said

"Babe stop. You're making it worse."

"Ok ok, but you are beautiful. I really really miss you and I can't wait to be with you."

"I miss you too and I can't wait until you meet my family."

"Vinnie told me that your family's crazy."

"They are. Both of our families are insane."

I was going to say something else but I was cut off by a blonde haired lady. She was dressed in a nurse uniform so I assumed she was Val's nurse

"Oh I'm sorry Sargent I didn't know you were taking a video call. I just came to give you your pills for today." She said in a voice I thought was too nice

"Its ok. You can say hi if you want." Val said. The nurse stepped closer to see me better.

"Hi. My name is Jane Lynn, but recently I have been given the nickname Tinkerbell. I'm Sargent Dexter's nurse " She said smiling. Well, she did look like Tinkerbell.

"Hello. Its nice to meet you. Who gave you that nickname?"

"Well, Sargent Dexter did." I looked at Val and she looked away

"Oh ok. That's nice." I said

"Ok well, I have other patience to get to. It was nice meeting you." She walked out and Val gave me a weak smile.

"So you gave her a nickname?" I asked

"Just for fun. Its not that big of a deal."

"Really? Val she likes you and your medicine better be the only thing she's giving you." I said

"Aww babe you're jealous. You know no one will be above you. You are the most gorgeous woman in the world and I will never give any other girl the time of day. So stop assuming stuff and smile."

"I'm not smiling." I secretly wanted to. How can you not, when she says things like that

"Come on. For me. I want to see your gorgeous smile." I tried my hardest not to smile but I couldn't help it. "There it goes. Gosh! You are gorgeous."

"Oh shut up." A moment of silence passed and I just started crying. I didn't know I was going to. It just happened.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Val asked in a very concerned voice

"I miss you and I don't want you back on field. I just want you to come home."

"Chloe, I miss you more. I promise I'll be home before you know it. As for being on the field, it's my job. I have a mission to complete. I know its scary to think about me being out there but I promise I'll be back. Besides, you have something of mine that I told you I'll be back for." I wiped my tears and looked down at Val's necklace. I hadn't taken it off since she gave it to me.

"You promise?"

"Yes. I promise. I have to go now, but I'll talk to you later. Ok?"

"Ok. I love you soldier."

"I love you more sweetheart."

The computer disconnected and I closed my laptop. I went to the bathroom and ran a my bath water. I took off my clothes, took my hair, and sat in the tub. I laid my head back on the wall and just sat there in the hot water.I hadn't soaked in a bath in along time and I needed it.

I stayed in there for almost an hour and when I got out I just went to sleep. I had work the next day and needed all the rest I could get

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