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(Val's POV)

So its been two months since we've adopted Carter and he's the best. I haven't been able to be home with him the way I want to because my stupid job has me doing graveyard hours. Like the fact that I'm still sitting at my desk at 2 am is crazy.

"You're still here?" The janitor, Lonnie asked. He was a skinny old man but was the nicest person I've ever met. I think I'm the only one who knows his name or even pays him any attention.

"Yup. These cases aren't going to crack themselves."

"True but its late ma'am. I know you have a lady and children at home and you have to be here at 7 am tomorrow. You need rest."

"I know."

"Do you? I've seen a lot of people like you. So dedicated and always diving head first into their job until they've worn themselves out and the CIA doesn't care. They'll replace you and keep going. I've heard you're the best but even the best has their limits and I don't want to see you like the rest of them. Go home and kiss your kids and wife and get some sleep." He walked away and I just sat there. I knew he was right and so I just packed up my things and left.

When I got home my dinner was in the microwave as usual. After I ate, I went to take a shower but before I went to bed I went into the twins room and just looked at them. I haven't realized how big they've gotten. I kissed them both and made my way into Carters room. He was sleeping with his head hanging off the bed. I fixed him and kissed him on the forehead also. Before I could walk out the door he woke up.


"Yeah." He got out of bed and hugged me. It was then that I realized he hasn't seen me at all today. I was gone before he woke up for school and hadn't been back by the time he went to bed.

"I haven't seen you all day." He said between yawns

"Yeah I know and im sorry about that. I have a very important job and it takes up a lot of my time. I promise I'll try to be around more."

"Its ok. You have to make sure bad guys go to jail. I would rather you do that than bad guys being free. I wouldn't want them to hurt mama or the babies."

"I would never let anything happen to you guys. Now get to bed, your mama would kill me if she knew I had you up at 3 am."

"Ok." He kissed me on the cheek and got into bed but not before tripping over absolutely nothing making a noise I hoped Chloe or the twins didn't hear.

I walked into our room and Chloe was asleep. Well I thought she was. When I got into bed she turned over to face me.

"Hi honey."

"Hello sweetheart."

"Did you eat?"

"Yes and it was great. How was your day at work?"

"It was ok. Leah and Carter are inseparable and I've finally gotten Allison reading on grade level. Oh and I've been nominated for teacher of the month."

"Wow congratulations. I'm happy for you sweetheart."

"Thanks. I would ask about your day but you look like you don't want to talk about it."

"You know me so well. These last few weeks have been hell."

"Well you need to go to sleep. You have like two and a half hours until its time for you to get up again."

"You're right."

"Val I'm serious. It's bad enough you never get sleep and you only eat once a day."

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