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(Val's POV)

It's a week after our court date and now we're waiting for the boys to arrive. Gracie and Larry's funeral was 2 days ago and ever since Chloe has been happier. I think she's now at peace with the situation and I know she misses Gracie and Larry a lot. Now that everything is in place they had to come look at the house and make sure that it was suitable for children. If the inspector could fail us because of we were lesbians I'm pretty sure he would.

Now I'm sitting in our bedroom watching Chloe pace the floor. She's spent the last 2 weeks changing one of the guest rooms into a nursery. It's not completely finished but it's pretty good considering it was last minute.

"Sweetheart, you're making me nervous. Can you please sit down?"

"I'm sorry but, what if they don't like me?"

"They're only 3 months old."

"So. They know I'm not their real mother."

I got up and walked over to her. "Chloe, calm down. Everything will be ok. You've taken care of a baby before and I'm here with you." Someone started knocking on the door making Chloe jump. I laughed as she almost fell as she ran to get the door.

"Hello, Jack." I heard her say as I approached them

"Hello." He said walking in carrying Joshua and Jacob in their car seats. Suzanne came after with baby bags.

"I'm so glad you two made the decision to adopt them. If you need anything just call any one of us and we'll help." Suzanne said giving us both of their cards.

"Thank you. I'm sure you'll be hearing from us." Chloe said

"Ok. Well if there isn't any questions we will be leaving."

"No we're fine." I said and they left. Chloe and I just kind of stood there staring at the two sleeping little boys.

"Well, we can't leave them in the car seat." I said. I picked Joshua up and laid him down in one of the cribs. Chloe did the same with Jacob.

"Ok well. I've been up since 5. I'm going take a nap." Chloe said. Before she could walk out of the room Jacob started crying which woke up Joshua and the house was now filled with the cries of infants.

"I don't think you'll be taking a nap any time soon." I said picking up Josh.

"Ugh! You think?"

(Chloe's POV)

After almost an hour of trying to figure out what was wrong and put them to sleep, we went to sleep. The only thing is, I forgot that newborns eat every 3-4 hours and I was once again up feeding Jacob while Val fed Josh.

"Well, now we have our own alarm clocks." Val said in a sleepy voice

"I can always count on you to bring light to a situation." I said

"I know its 2 am and you're usually sleep by this time. So why not?"

"You're right. I'm not a night owl like you. Or an early bird like you either." I said putting Jacob back into his crib. "Do you want me to stay in here with you?"

"No, you can go ahead and go to sleep. I'll be there in a minute." I walked out and laid down in our bed. I wasn't really sleepy anymore. I kind of just stared at the ceiling and attempted to count sheep. My mind just drifted off to what has happened this past month. I looked at my ring and smiled knowing I'm going to marry the love of my life. I also realized we now have a little family. An unexpected one, but surprises are some times the best things to happen to you

"What's on your mind?" Val said snapping me out of the thoughts

"Nothing. I just realized I'm the happiest I've ever been."

"I'm glad to be apart of it." Val laid next to me.

"I feel like everything is in place. I know you'll have to start work soon, but I know we'll be fine. Also, my mama called and said she wanted to see them. She said that they are officially her grandchildren and she doesn't want to waist a second.

"She sound like my mom. She's a whole lot better now. She even sounds better. But as you know I'm still in the force. Just not on field. However, I told you even though I've been honorably discharged, if they really need me, they'll call me in field."

"Val, I don't want to have this conversation right now. Just let me be happy and enjoy this little moment." Val chuckled and wrapped her arms around me

"Ok, sweetheart. I love you."

"I love you too soldier." I kissed her and drifted off to sleep. We were awaken 4 hours later by one of the boys crying.

"Don't get up. I got it." Val said

"You can handle both of them?"

"My name is Sergeant Valentine Dexter. I'm pretty sure if I can handle 2 grenades, I can handle 2 babies." Val said getting up

"Ok superwoman." I said turning over. Not too long after, I felt a tap on my side

"I need help." Val said making me laugh

"Where's your cape superwoman?"

"It was ruined when Josh peed on me." She said pointing to her shirt. I laughed and got up to help with the boys.

We didn't go to sleep for the rest of the night. We stayed up and ate ice cream and watched TV. Before we knew it, it was almost 9 and the boys were still sleep.

"You're not tired?" Val asked me

"Extremely. However I would rather be up when they get up than to be awaken by them."

"I understand. Well, while we are up I guess I can make breakfast before the boys need breakfast." Val said

"I think I spoiled that with ice cream."

"Fine, I'll just make me something and put the rest up for you to have later." Val got up and took both of our ice cream bowls with her.

"Where are they?" I heard a voice say and I just knew it was my mama. I instantly got under my covers and made a mental note to get a keypad as my front door lock. "Where is Chloe?" I heard her ask Val. I secretly wished she would lie and say I left to run errands or something.

"She's sleeping right now." Val lied and even though it wasn't what I wanted, it was close enough. "But I can show you the boys if you want."

"That would be great." My mama said. I heard them walk past our room and into the nursery and my mama did the worst thing ever. She screamed. "Oh my goodness! They are just so adorable!" Which woke not one, but both of them up.

At this point I had to abandon my bed and help Val with the chaos my mother created. You have to love her though. Right?

"Hi mama." I said walking into the nursery

"Oh hey. Its a good thing you're up the boys must be hungry."

"Or you scared them half to death." I mumbled under my breath making Val laugh. I picked up Jacob and attempted to rock him back to sleep

"Well, I'll be on my way. I have a hair appointment in an hour."

"Ok. See you later." Val said half meaning it half rushing her out. After she left I just looked at Val who did nothing but smile

"She's a pain in the neck." I said putting him back in his crib

"But you love her. Besides, maybe they don't want to be in these cribs all the time."

"I guess you're right. I haven't really had the pleasure of holding one of them without feeding them." I picked Jacob up again and looked into his tiny brown eyes. For the first time ever I saw him smile and my heart melted right away. My son smiled at me. Yup, my son and at that moment I vowed to always love and cherish them as I know Gracie and Larry would.

For the rest of the day Val, the twins, and I stayed in our bed watching TV even thoughbI know the twins had no clue what hell was going on. Some hours went by and I turned over to see Val asleep with both of them next to her asleep as well. I smiled at what I would call the beginning of the rest of my life.

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