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*2 months later*

(Val's POV)

"You're recovery is going great." My nurse now known as Tinkerbell said. She's short and always has her blond hair in ponytail and bang like Tinkerbell. She has grown to like the name.

They put me in rehab center for my leg. It wasn't greatly injured but I still had trouble getting around. My rib cage was almost completely healed. Its still sore but I'm getting there.

"You think you can walk around without the crutches now?"

"I mean, I can try." She took my hand and I walked next to her limping the whole way. I limped all the way back and sat down angry at myself for trying. I was exhausted and honestly didn't want to do it again.

I also started skyping Chloe when I could. It would be when she got off work and I was resting.

"Ok Sargent, we can escort you back to your room. You can have your video call when you get there."

"Ok thank you Tinkerbell." She laughed and helped me get on my crutches.

When I got to my room, I laid down and waited for them to bring the computer

"Hi sweetheart." I said. Chloe was still gorgeous. He long blonde hair and cute dimples are stunning

"Hi honey. How are you feeling?"

"Better. I've started walking around more. If I recover soon I'll be able to go back on field." Her smile disappeared. I know it kills her to think about me going out there again.

"That's-that's good." She said forcing a smile. I decided to change the subject

"How was your day? How's Carter doing?"

"My day was fine and Carter is doing ok. His foster mom is sick though."

"Poor kid. He can't seem to catch a break."

"He asked if he could come over to my house."

"What did you say?"

"I told him I didn't know. He's my student, it can get complicated when it comes to the school board and students getting close to teachers."

"Oh. Well Valentines day is coming and unfortunately I am far away."

"Valentine, the fact that you're recovering is enough for me. Besides its also your birthday."

"Yup I'll be 27. I'm getting old." I laughed

"Shut up. No you're not."

"Ok ok. Well I have to go. I'll talk to you later, ok?"

"Ok. I love you soldier."

"I love you more sweetheart."

The signal disconnected and I was stuck staring at a black screen staring at my reflection. I looked different. My skin was pale and I lost a little weight. It's from the lack of exercise. I haven't been doing anything. My hair was a little longer than my normal short cut.

"Are you doing ok?" Tinkerbell said walking in

"Yeah I'm fine. I just need a nap."

"Ok, well of you need anything, you know how to reach me." She winked at me. Tinkerbell was always flirting with me but I never returned it. I was either in too much pain or Chloe was always on my mind. I mean, yeah Tinkerbell is pretty but she has nothing Chloe.

(Vinnie's POV)

Ever since Val got deployed, I make sure I go to my parents house whenever I could. My dad is strong so I'm not that concerned with him. Its my mom I'm worried about. I make sure to keep her mind off things and I try to bring Jessie and Alana around to keep her busy.

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