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(Chloe's POV)

Well it's 7:45 and I'm looking at myself in the mirror. I can't believe Gracie got me into another date. I know he's a nice guy because I use to teach his daughter until she moved to Gracie's class. I guess it can't be that bad. Maybe I'm just being a bitch. I had just finished getting ready when I heard a knock on my door.

I opened it and it was Terrence. Terrance Allen. He was a nice looking man especially in the nice suit he had on.

"You look beautiful Ms. Ellison." He said with a grin

"Thank you. You look very handsome yourself and you can just call me Chloe."

"Ok well Chloe are you ready?"

"Yes. Let me just get my purse."

I got my purse and walked to the car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He had a really nice car, but I was quickly reminded of his daughter when I looked back to see her car seat. I thought it was really adorable. He drove us to a nice restaurant named "Stella's". I had never eaten from there but I heard it was nice. We sat down and ate and talked and the conversation was good.

"So Mr. Allen, tell me about yourself."

"Well, as you know, I'm a single dad. I won custody over Susie when she was 1. Her mom divorced me and was planning moving to Michigan with her. I didn't know what lies she would fill Susie's head with so I decided to take her instead. Now her mom is remarried and is pregnant. Now I'm an account and I haven't really been looking for anyone until Mrs. Hunter told me that you are interested in me."

"Well honestly, I didn't really know about the date until today. I was a little worried, but now I'm convinced that you're a good guy."

Yup everything was going good until this happened:

"Who is this!?" A woman said

"Uh.... this is uh nobody." He sais stuttering

"Don't tell me she's nobody. You told be you had late night work to do."

"I thought you were divorced. Who is this?" I asked

"Divorced? Terrance you have some explaining to do."

So yeah he's a liar. I just took a cab home, changed into my pajamas and called Gracie.

"Its only 9, why are you calling me?" Gracie asked. I just sighed

"It was that bad huh?"

"He isnt a single dad. He is still married and I'm pretty sure the love of my life got stuck in a condom." Gracie laughed. She somehow found that funny but I was serious

"I'm so sorry Chloe, I really did try. I guess if you want love you have to wait on it to come to you."

"I'm tired of waiting Grace. I'm going to be alone forever."

"Oh shut up. Everything will be fine."

"You can say that. You're married to a firefighter with great credit." Gracie laughed again.

"Oh I just got a email from the principal."

"What does it say?"

"It says: Dear staff, I'm sorry for such a late update, but there will be career day on Tuesday. Make sure to tell your students on Monday to give them a heads up on what's going on. There will be 3 visitors for each classroom who will talk about their careers and will answer questions. There will also be a staff meeting for all 5th grade teachers. Sincerely Mrs. Donald." Gracie sighed. "I don't want to go to a meeting. They're always so long and boring.

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