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*1 month later*

(Mrs. Dexter's POV)

I've started chemo treatments and I'm slowly started to look like another person. My hair is falling out and my skin is paler. The boys make sure at least one of them come see me every day. My loving husband tells me how beautiful I am everyday even though I'm not the same woman I used to be. Right now all the boys including my husband is in the living room while I'm in my bed. I can hear them talking.

"Mom looks so different." Vinnie said

"I don't see a difference." Greg said making me smile

"I'm just worried about Val. I feel like we should tell her. What do you think she'll say when she gets back and mom isn't the way she left her?" David said

"I'm not sure. I just know when she does find out, I'll be 50 feet away." Vinnie said

"We don't even know when she'll be back." Daniel said

"I know. That's the scary part." Greg said

"What about Chloe? Is she doing ok? You guys know she's apart of the family now?" Vinnie said

"She's fine. I've talked to her." I said as I slowly walked into the living room

"Ma, what are you doing out of bed? Daniel asked rushing over to me

"Boy,get the hell away from me. I'm fine. I can do this by myself."

"Fine." He said backing away from me

"Listen, Chloe is fine. She talks to Val just as much as we do. As for Val, leave that to me."

"You boys need to listen to your mother. She knows what she's talking about." Greg said. They all nodded and I sat down in my favorite chair.

"Well I have to go. I have to pick Alana and Jessie up from ballet." Vinnie said standing up

"Ok. Tell them I said hi and that I love them."

"Ok. I will." Vinnie walked over to me and kissed me on my cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow." He said as he walked out the door

"Ma, do you need anything?" David asked

"No, I'm fine. You boys should get home to your family. Well David should. I don't know who you have waiting for you to come home Danny." Daniel laughed and stood up to put on his jacket.

"Ok ma, I'll go home to Haley." Daniel said

"Are you sure, because I'll stay with you." David said

"Get the hell out. Your father is here with me." I said

"Ok ok. I'll leave." David said grabbing his car keys

After everyone left, I laid back down and Greg laid beside me.

"You didn't have to be so mean to them." He said breaking the silence

"I just don't want them to spend their lives looking after me. I watched my sister do the same with our parents. She looked after them 24/7. As much as said she didn't mind, I knew better. She felt like because she was the oldest she had to take those responsibilities. That's why I hate that Vinnie shows up everyday."

"Honey, they're just worried about you."

I didn't say anything else. I just turned over and went to sleep.

(Val's POV)

Its been 5 long months and I'm not telling anyone but there are 4 short ones left. I'll be home in June and lord knows how much I miss my family. Especially my mother. Unfortunately we have lost a couple soldiers in the last week. All good ones too. Luckily I've stayed away from trouble and have been following orders the way I'm supposed to.

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