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(Val's POV)

Its Tuesday and I'm currently at Chloe's house. I just got off of work and I told her I would come and spend the night with her because I was leaving the next day. School is out for the week and so she has nothing to do but try and convince me to get on one of her horses. It was almost 8 but she didn't care.

"Hell no." I said standing in front of Midnight

"Val stop being a baby and get on." She said pulling me

"No ma'am. Why can't we be like a normal semi-couple and watch movies?" I said pulling away

"Because watching movies are boring after awhile. Plus what happened after it ends?"

"What's going to happen if my life ends playing around with your horse?"

"Valentine get on the damn horse." I sighed and walked to the side where Chloe was. I tried to climb on the horse but I fell off. She thought it was the funniest thing in the world.

"Its not funny. She doesn't like me."

"She moved because you were pulling on her harness." She helped me up and I tried again. I got on top and realized city people aren't supposed to do this.

"Where are you going?" I asked as I watched Chloe walk back into the stables. She didn't answer me and after a minute she came back on a horse. "Well aren't you a pro?" She shrugged her shoulders and smiled

"Ok so what you're going to do is lightly tap the side of your foot on her side." I tried it and I guess I tapped a little too hard and Midnight ran off. I tried to get her to stop but it didn't work, so I pulled on the harness and she threw me off of her. I landed on a bush with thorns and it was safe to say I was never doing that shit again.

"Oh my God! Baby are you ok?" Chloe said hopping off her horse and running over to me

"Yeah I'm fine. Just never ask me to ride another horse again." She laughed a little and helped me up. I got up and limped all the way back to the stables. After she put the horses back into their stables, we drove back to her house.

Once we got inside I went straight into the bathroom and took off my shirt. I had thorns on my arms and stomach. After I pulled them all out I looked up into the mirror to see Chloe.

"Aww babe look at you. I thought you said you were fine." Chloe said walking into the bathroom

"I am fine."

"No you're not. You had thorns everywhere. Your arm is bleeding." Chloe said trying to help me.

"Chloe, I'm fine. I'm not one of your first graders. I can handle a little pain." I said as I pushed her away without thinking. She stumbled back but caught her balance just in time. She looked at me for a second and them stormed off.

I followed her into her bedroom and tried to talk to her. I didn't know she was so sensitive.

"Chloe, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push you like that."

"I just wanted to see if you were ok. I know you're not a kid Val, but just because you're a soldier out there doesn't mean you have to be one here."

"I know." I said walking over to her. Her back was still turned to me so I wrapped my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder. "Its been awhile since I've had someone this close to me."

"Val, im here for you and you know that. I don't care if its just a scratch or if your life is in danger, I might not be a doctor or a fellow soldier, but I'll still try to help you."

"You didn't care about my life when I told you I didn't want to get on that damn horse." Chloe elbowed me in the side and laughed. She turned around to face me and grabbed my face to meet hers.

She kissed me and it quickly turned into  a make out session. I started kissing on her neck winning moans out of her but she stopped me and pushed me away.

"Ugh! Just let me have you." I said in frustration

"Nope. You have work in the morning Sergeant." She said walking away

"Why are you such a tease?" She didn't say anything as she walked into the bathroom.

At the end we ended up watching movies until we both fell asleep.

(Chloe's POV)

I rolled over with my eyes still closed trying to lay on Val but she wasn't in bed. I sat up in my bed and saw her bag still here. She must have been in the shower. I looked at the clock and it was 5 am.

"What are you doing up?" I heard Val say as she walked in

"You weren't next to me."

"I was in the shower. I have to be to work by 6."

"I know. Do you need me to make breakfast or something?"

"No I'm fine. You just need to go back to sleep."

"Are you sure? I have no problem getting up."

"Yes I'm sure. Don't get out of bed. You're off from work you need to be sleep."

"Well can you at least lay with me until you have to go? I won't see you again until Friday or Saturday." Val sighed and rolled her eyes. "Please?"

"Fine." She crawled in bed next to be and I laid on her. I quickly fell asleep and by the time I woke up she was long gone.

At around 11 I decided to get up and finally fix me something to eat. I crawled out of bed and went into my kitchen but before I could do anything there was a knock on my door. I opened it and there was a woman at my door.

"Hi my name is Olivia. May I come in and talk to you?"

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