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(Chloe's POV)

I stood there with my back against my front door. Did I really just do that? What happen to just a friendly meal? Was it my fault for bringing her on the roof? Do I really like her? Am I gay? All of these questions that may never get an answer.

I just went to my room and laid across my bed.

"Where have you been?" My mother said startling me

"What the hell?! Mama what are you doing in my house?!" I said sitting up

"You're my daughter and I can come here anytime I want."

"No you can't. This isn't your house."

"Never mind that, where were you? You never go out."

"I went out for dinner with a friend." I said taking my jacket off.

"A friend?" She asked giving me the look. The look she gave us as a kid when she thought we were lying

"Yes, a friend."

"So who is he?"

"Who said it was a guy?" I asked walking into my bathroom

"So it was a girl?" She said following me

"Mama, can you stop following me?"

"You were on a date with a woman. I'm telling your father I was right."

"It wasn't a date. We just went to get pizza." If only she knew what happened before I walked in.

I changed my clothes and walked back into my room

"Mmhmm. Well I have to go. I have church in the morning. The place you never go to."

"You don't even like the people in your church. You can't stand the pastor either.

"Yeah yeah. I'm leaving."

"Ok. See you later then." I walked her to the door and went back to my room. I laid down and eventually fell asleep.

(Val's POV)

I went home and took a short shower before laying down. I didn't have to get up early for anything so there was no rush to try to fall asleep. I was just watching TV when my phone started ringing. I looked at it and it was Olivia. I just let it ring and go to voice mail. After awhile I drifted off into a nightmare.

I found myself in my old apartment. It was a little blurry but I saw someone in my room. I walked in to see someone laying on the floor with a bottle of spilled pills on the floor next to them. It was the exact same way I found Dana when she killed herself. The only thing is that it wasn't Dana. It was Chloe. Everything around me started to collapse and I found myself falling into a hole.

I jumped out of my sleep breathing heavy. I was sweating and I had a massive headache. I sat up against my headboard, turned on my lamp and looked at my clock. It was a little after 3 am. I sat there and thought about my dream or should I say nightmare. It was the day I found Dana dead in our home. The only thing was that it was Chloe laying lifeless on the floor instead and that scared me.

I couldn't do that to her. I couldn't put her through the same thing I put Dana through. What if I get deployed again? Will she be able to take it? Chloe is so nice and smart, I can't put that kind of stress on her. She deserves better. I just don't know how I'm going to stop having feelings for her. I mean yeah its only been one date-thingy, but I somehow felt something. Is that wrong?

Maybe I should just tell her this whole thing was a mistake. A big mistake. I picked up my phone and called Jenna.

"You better be dying." She answered

"I am." I said in a whisper

"What's wrong?"

"I met someone and we went out for dinner, but in a friendly way. I know I  have feelings for her and I'm pretty sure she at least likes me."

"Ok so what's the problem?"

"I had that dream again."

"Oh Val. It's going to be ok."

"No. This time it wasn't Dana, it was Chloe."

"Who the hell is Chloe?" 

"The girl I met she's a elementary school teacher. I don't want to do that to her."

"Do what?"

"I don't want to kill her Jenna."

"Valentine you're not going to kill her. I know you're afraid, but you can't get anywhere if you don't try. Val, you can't stay alone forever."

"I've been doing good so far."

"So far. Val if you really like her then tell her what you're afraid of and see what she says. I'm sure she's nice and I want to my best friend happy again."

"I am happy. At least I think I am."

"You're not happy Val, and I miss the old you."

"I just want to talk to Sara."

"Well Sara is in bed like every other seven year old at 3 am."

"Yeah I know."

"Val, get some sleep and talk to Chloe. Call me and tell me how it goes."

"Ok,I will. I guess I'll let you get back to sleep."

"Ok talk to you later."

I hung up the phone and attempted to fall asleep.

I failed. I looked at my clock again and it was 6:37 am. My mind was going and I couldn't clear my mind. I broke down eventually and cried for about 20 minutes. Something I haven't done in 4 years. I thought staying strong would help, but its done nothing but kill me slowly.

I didn't know why I was crying but it felt good. Maybe I was crying because I missed Dana. I still don't know. When I did go to sleep the sun was up. I was so glad I had nothing to do later on.

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