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(Chloe's POV)

I had just gotten out of the shower when I remembered I was supposed to call Val about our little friend-date thing tomorrow. I was still a little nervous about calling her not knowing her schedule. It was a little after 10 and I didn't know if she was asleep or not. I sat on my bed staring at my phone until I came to the conclusion that I might as well just call her, but before I could reach for my phone it started ringing making me jump and almost fall off my bed.

"Hello." I answered a little out of breath

"Hello? Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I was actually just about to call you."

"I thought you had forgotten about me."

"How could I forget about you?" Did I really just say that?

"I'm glad I left a good impression on you and the children."

"Yeah, so I think we should go to a restaurant called Lisa's Palace" 

"Sounds fancy."

"It's actually a pizza place. Its named after a lizard." She chuckled and there was a slight pause

"Well that sounds fine to me. I should warn you though, as a New Yorker, I'm very picky about my pizza. New York pizza is the best and no one can tell me otherwise."

"Ok we'll see about that."

"Ok. So what time do you want go?'

"Around 5. I have something to do earlier in the day. I'll pick you up.''

"Ok. Well I'll text you my address." I said

"That's sounds ok. I guess I'll see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight."  I said

"Goodnight beautiful." As you can guess I had the biggest smile on my face. She actually made it hard for me to sleep. I'm not gay or anything, but I just loved being around her and talking to her.

(Val's POV)

After being on the phone with Chloe, I called Jenna.

"Hi best friend." She answered

"Hey Jen. What's going on?'

"Nothing much. Kevin and Sara are in the kitchen making cookies."

"It's almost 11. Why are they making cookies at this time of night?"

"You know how they are on Friday nights."

"How's things going with the baby?"

"Fine. I go to my doctors appointment Tuesday. I forgot how it feels to be pregnant. I'm only 3 months but I know for sure this is my last one."

I chuckled. She said that when she had Sara.

"I was just calling to check on you. I have to go to sleep now because I have early morning duties to attend." I said

"On a Saturday?"

"Yes. On a Saturday. I'll call you when I can."

"Ok. Goodnight."

"Goodnight and tell Sara I said I miss her."

"Ok. I will." I hung up and went to sleep thanking about how my day with Chloe would go.

The next morning I had some errands to run and guess who I ran into. I'll give you a second...... Yeah it was Nina. I didn't see Olivia in sight so I just assumed she left her for good. I didn't look at her or even walk over to her but she sure as hell made her way to me.

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