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*2 months later*

(Val's POV)

I'm holding up good. Way better than I thought I would. There isn't a day that my family and friends aren't on my mind. I'm sad that i missed Christmas but soon I'll be able to Skype them when I'm free. I've been getting mail from everyone. My mom went to Texas to meet Chloe. I wonder how that went and Jenna is having a baby girl. Sara wrote me a letter too. She's excited about being a big sister. Other than that there hadn't been anything crazy going on. A lot of my time had been used to be with civilians and help transport things. It's hot as hell and the bugs here are huge. I'm holding on. I just hope everyone else is too.

Unfortunately this morning I got news that we'll be in the trenches, meaning war. I laid in my bed AKA the floor and looked up at the sealing.

"What are you thinking about Dexter?" A fellow soldier asked. His name is Johnson, but we call him 8 because that's how many fingers he has left.

"War. I have so much to live for but even more to die for."

"Ah. So you have a pretty lady at home huh?"

"Yup. I have a whole family at home. Brothers, parents, best friend who is having a baby girl. She also has a little girl that I love. I call her bumblebee."

"You are lucky. You have motivation to stay alive. A lot of these men don't have a family to keep them alive. If I die, no one will be at my funeral."

"Don't say that 8. You're my brother. I'll be there."

"I appreciate that. You should get some sleep. Early rise tomorrow." He turned around and went to sleep. Me on the other hand, I couldn't sleep.

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'm coming home." I whispered

(Chloe's POV)

It's been 2 long months. I miss Val so much. I've written her a couple of letters and thank god she's written back. I met Val's family and well, this is how it went:

"Wow! This is a pretty house." Mrs. Dexter said walking in

"Thank you. Y'all can sit down in the living room if you want." Everyone sat down in the living room. I noticed one of Val's brothers looking at me.

"Your accent is sexy." Daniel said

"Umm. Thank you. I think." I shifted in my seat uncomfortably

"Calm down. She is your sisters girlfriend, Danny." Mr. Dexter said

"Would y'all like anything?"

"Can I get some water please?" Mrs. Dexter asked

"Sure. I'll be right back."

"I'll go with you." Daniel said jumping up

"She's only getting a glass of water." David said

"It might be heavy."

"Boy, sit down." Mrs. Dexter said. He sat down and I went to get Mrs. Dexters water.

"Here you go." I handed her the cup of water

"Thank you. Southern people are so nice."

"That's southern hospitality for you." I sat down across from them. For some reason they all insisted that they sat on one couch.

"So how did you and my little sister meet?" Vinnie asked

"Well, she volunteered on career day for the school I work at."

"So you're a teacher?" Mrs. Dexter asked

"Yes ma'am. I teach 2nd graders."

"What else do you do?"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"What do you do for fun?"

"Not much. I have horses that I ride from time to time."

"Like a cowgirl?" David asked

"Umm you can say that."

"Do you have children?" Mr. Dexter asked

"No. I don't have any kids."

"Do you want any?"

"I plan on having kids one day."

"Have you had sex with valentine?" Mrs. Dexter asked. I looked around the room and the guys just shrugged

"Don't you think that's a little personal?" Mr. Dexter asked

"No. Val is my daughter and I think I deserve to know."

"Mom, Val is an adult."

"I would ask all of you but 2 of you already have children and the other one has a new girlfriend everyday. Did you have sex Val?"

"Uhh yes." I said awkwardly

"You don't have any STDs right?"

"No ma'am." What did I get myself into?

"Can I ask you one more question?" Mrs. Dexter asked

"Sure." I answered. I secretly wanted to say no

"Do you love Valentine?" Mrs. Dexter asked. The room got quiet and my heart started beating. Of course I do. Is that even a question?

"Yes. I love her very much." I finally said

"Good. Now let's hope you can handle our family." Daniel said. They have no idea about my family.

"I think I can handle it."

My mom called and I told her about Val's family being at my house and she insisted that my family meets Val's family. The outcome was crazy.

"Do y'all like it here?" My mama asked

"Its nice and quiet and the first time I've walked a dirt road." Mrs. Dexter said

"Well, its nice that y'all could come. I've met your daughter and she seems like a very nice woman." My mom said

"Thank you. I did my best raising my children."

"Your daughter looks good too." Calvin started choking on his water and I quickly changed the subject

"So Vinnie, I hear your a teacher. What grade do you teach?" I asked

"12 graders. I teach high school science. Human anatomy to be exact." He said with a smile. I could tell that he is very proud of his job

So a couple of questions later I went into the kitchen to get away from everyone.

"Out parents are crazy." David said walking joining me

"I know. I thought my parents were bold."

"Chloe, how did mama see Val without a shirt. She's telling everyone about her abs." Cara said

"Oh lord. She walked in my house one morning and Val didn't have a shirt on. That's the reason why I changed my locks last month. Plus she started feeling on Val's stomach."

"Our mother is.... I don't even know what she is." Cara said

Calvin,Daniel, and Vinnie joined us. Leaving our parents I'm the living room together.

"I couldn't stay in there anymore." Vinnie said

"I don't know how this is going to work out." Calvin said sitting at my kitchen table

"If only Val were here." I said

After everyone left, I cleaned up and took a shower. I was exhausted from the monstrosity that was a family meeting. I laid in my bed staring at my sealing wondering what I was going to do with a huge crazy family.

"Val, what are we going to do?" I asked out loud as if she was going to answer. I kissed the charm on her necklace and held it in my hands. I rolled over in my bed and went to sleep.

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