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(Chloe's POV)

Its the end of the school year and it's bittersweet. I love my students but I love summer break. Its now May and its hot as hell. School ends in June which is 3 weeks from now and I can't wait. Right now I'm in the class with all the children and today I gave them a free day because it's Nicholas birthday and he brought cupcakes. However, they will not get cupcakes until its almost time to go. I have made that mistake before and I can't handle 18 suger induced children.

"Ms. Ellison, can we play with the big puzzles?" Lucy asked pulling on my dress

"Hold on. Let me get them." I went to the closet and somehow forgot how short I was and couldn't reach the puzzles.

"Let me get that for you." I heard a familiar voice say. I turned around and it was Mr. Gilt. My mind flashed back to the day he tried to attack me but Val saved me. He reached over me and grabbed the puzzles and places them in my now shaking hands.

"Looks like your savior isn't here today." He whispered in my ear. I was stuck and I just wanted to cry, but I knew i couldn't. Not in front of my students. Thank god for Carter.

"Hey Mister! Back away from my teacher." Carter said with a mouthful of chips

"Or what?" Mr. Gilt said playfully not knowing that Carter was serious

"This." Carter sprayed him with cheese. Mr. Gilt screamed out in pain as he wiped his eyes. He walked out saying a few curse words as he left.

Carter looked at me with a proud face. "Carter, give me the can of cheese."

"Ok, but I can't get in trouble." He said handing me the can

"And why is that?"

"You looked scared. So, I was protecting you." The kid had a point.

"Ok, I understand. You also have to understand that there are other ways to handle things."

"I know. That's why I had the stapler just in case." I looked and Leah and she just shrugged

"No. You can't just hurt people."

"I wasn't just hurting him. I was hurting him for a good reason." This kid is a future lawyer

"Ok ok. Everyone get back to having fun. Here are the big puzzles Lucy." I gave her the puzzles and made sure everyone was ok. Gracie came in with more games and then went back to her fifth graders. After, Mrs. McDonald came in with papers and I was confused

"Hi Mrs. McDonald."

"Hello, Ms. Ellison. I have some news for you. It may be good or it may be bad."

"I'm not getting a teaching assistant next year right? I hate sharing my classroom."

"No you're not getting a teaching assistant. However you are qualified to teach pre- k to fifth grade."

"Yes. I know."

"Well, one of our third grade teachers is leaving and we need you to teach third grade." I just looked at her. The lady is crazy

"That means I'll be teaching the same students from this year."

"Yes and that's good. You'll already have a relationship with them." All I could thing about was having Carter again. I love him, but he is a handful in school

"Do I have an option?"

"Yes. Either third grade or fifth grade." There is no way I was teaching fifth grade. They think they know everything because they're going to middle school. I will stick with third grade.

"Fine. I'll do third grade." Mrs. McDonald smiled and handed me the papers to sign. I sighed as I looked over at my students. Well maybe it won't be that bad.

(Vinnie's POV)

I feel so bad that I can't do anything to help my mom. I watch her as she lays in bed all day constantly telling me she's ok when I know she isn't. My dad is doing the best he can to comfort her and keep the house together. I also know that the hospital bills are killing them. I offered to help but my parents say they don't need it. I've talked to Valentine and I want to tell her so bad but I gave to respect my mother's wishes. Its also hard trying to explain to the girls why their grandma can't get up and play with them.

"Honey, are you ok?" Kristen said as she got into bed with me

"No. My mother is dying of cancer and my sister is dodging bullets."

"Everything will be ok." She tried to lay on me but I moved. I got and put on some sweatpants and some sneakers and grabbed my keys. "Where are you goinh?"

"To my parents house. I have a bad feeling." I walked out and drove to my parents house. When I got there my mom was in bed eating soup. New England clam chowder to be exact.

"What are you doing here?" My mom asked

"I needed to see you."

"For what? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah. I just-" I couldn't finish my sentence. I just broke down in front of her. I kneeled down beside her and cried at the side of her bed.

"Vinnie don't cry. I'm fine."

"No! Stop fucking lying to me!"

"Vin calm down." My dad said

"How?! How the hell can I calm down? I don't know how you can say that! Why are you 2 pretending to be ok? Mom you are sick you are basically dying?! Every night your grand daughters ask me why they can't see grandma or why does grandma go to the hospital all the time. Mom, I can't stay calm. My sister is in Iraq risking her life for us and you're slowly leaving us!" My dad came and hugged me as I cried. I've never been this hurt before.

I stayed at my parents house that night. Being the oldest I feel like its my duty to be there for my parents. Kristen called me all night but I didn't answer. I just text her and told her I'll be there in the morning.

At around 4 am I heard my mom coughing. Thinking it was just a cough I laid back down. A couple minutes later I heard my dad calling my name so I jumped up and ran to their room.

"What's wrong?" I said running in and almost falling

"We need to get her to the hospital. She's coughing up blood."

I carried my mom to the car and my dad drove to the hospital. When we got there they rushed her away and told me and my dad to stay in the waiting room. I called my brothers and in minutes they were here. We sat there for hours waiting for someone to come out. I eventually fell asleep but was awken by David.

"The doctor is talking to dad." He said pointing to them

I waited for dad to come over to us to ask what was happening.

"They're keeping her until further notice." My dad said wiping his tears. "You boys go get some rest."

We all just sat there looking at him.

"I'm not leaving." Daniel said

"Yeah me either." David agreed

"Fine. I'm going to go sit down and maybe take a nap." My dad walked to the corner the waiting room and sat in a chair. After 5 minutes he was fast asleep and so was everyone else. Well except me.

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