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(Val's POV)

"Dexter!" I jump out of my sleep. I forgot I had my ear piece in. Margo scared the shit out of me


"What the hell happened?!"

"Someone was in the hotel before us and bugged it. They also had a camera and a bomb inside the room. Im not sure but I think I saved everyone."

"You care about others too much. I would have just ran out."

"Do you have a family?"

"No. I don't have time to find a husband."

"Then you wouldn't understand. I do the things I do because I would hope that if my family was in that situation someone would not just think about themselves and save them too and that's not just for your husband. It's for your siblings or parents too. Any family member that you love."

"If you say so. Where are you now?"

"At another hotel across town. We ran finger prints of the person who put the camera in the room and found a match so we're staring from there."

"How did you do that with no equipment?"

"Don't worry about that. Like you said, we are smart and can figure things out."

"Ok. Well I don't have any eyes on you so if you need anything you'll have to signal me through your laptop."

"Yeah I know." She didn't say anything so I figured she was gone.

"Ok so his name is Michael Parker."

"That's an American name. But he looks Asian. What the hell is he doing here?"

"I have no idea. He has been in prison 4 times. Twice for arson."

"So he like to set things on fire? That still doesn't tell me why he tried to kill us."

"Oh wait, his real last name is Song. And the criminal record on this is serious. He's originally from China but moves to Japan when he was 15. There he met some friends and took and the wrong path. He later moved to America but disappeared 9 months ago. Oh look at that, he's wanted for sex trafficking along with a really rich guy who no one can seem to get a picture of or even get ahold of."

"He's a busy man."

"So our job is to find out the check points here and then go home because I'm not arresting him."

"Yes that's the plan. We need to know the people before we can know thier moves."

"You're right."

"I'm always right. Can you do me a favor and hack into the security system from the store across the street from that hotel. I need for you to see if you can get any footage of him getting out of a vehicle and then run the plate number."

"Why can't you do it? "

"Do I look like a computer nerd to you? You're the only one who knows how to do that stuff."

"Fine." A couple if hours later I heard him call my name.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I found the car but doesn't the driver look familiar?"

"Oh yeah I remember her. Aideen O'Riley. As gorgeous as she is, she's dangerous. Wait, I thought she went to jail when I busted her for holding the mayor of Nevada wife in the basement of a donut shop."

"They couldnt prove her guilty because all of the evidence and videos disappeared including the officers that took her in so they let her go. My guess is she's only in this to back in America and hold someone's wife captive, again."

"That's crazy. She only goes after people she hates. I wonder who pissed her off now."

"Yeah me too. Anyway, I ran the licence plate and there's no name attached. That's weird. However, there is a tracking device on all of his  trucks."

"So who's tracking them?"

"It usually means that the boss man is very controlling and because I'm the best computer nerd you will ever run into, I now know where they are going. They have made stops in Riyadh, Dammam, and Medina 3 times this week."

"Wow. They made those stops as far away as possible."

"Well we can go home 2 weeks early now that we know the stops." Nick said. I just looked at him. "Oh no. I know that look. We are not going to go look for the boss of this monstrosity."

"Yes we are. Why waste 2 weeks? We already know where they are and who the head delivery boy is. We have this."

"Ok, I don't know if some smoke or a piece of the building hit you when the hotel blew up but you are insane. We are not prepared nor do we have back up and once again I'm not ready to die. I'm not sure if you remember but we both have the love of our lives at home. You also have twins and your wife seems a little cazy when it comes to you and Margo isn't going to survive that."

"You're right. We'll catch the next flight home."

"No you won't." We both heard a voice coming through out ear pieces

"Who is this?" Nick asked

"Don't worry about it. This is what happens when you mind other people's business."

"What do you want?" I asked

"I want you dead but that's too easy. Open your laptop." I opened the laptop and video surveillance from a mall's food court was showing. It zoomed in and I saw Chloe eating. A few moments later I saw Aideen sit down with her.

"Well, now we know who pissed her off." Nick said. I wanted to punch him in the face

"Leave her alone." I said

"Make me. You don't know where I am or who I am. My new friend Aideen will be in touch with Chloe and the boys." I completely lost it. I punch the screen leaving a hole and my hand bloody

"Wow." Nick said backing away

"Someone is angry. Good luck getting home because the moment you step out of the hotel. You're mine." Our ear pieces started to get hot and soon started burning our ear. We took them out and they started smoking.

"Now what? We gave to bust these guys, save Chloe and make it out alive. How are we going to do that?" Nick asked

"I'm not sure but I promised Chloe I'd be home in 2 weeks and I'll be there."

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