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(Val's POV)

I woke up to a face full of blonde hair. Chloe was curled up under me as usual. I swear we're supposed to each have a side of the bed but instead I have the edge of the bed while she lays on my side and her side is just uncharted territory that nobody sleep on.

I looked at the clock and it was 5 am. I decided to take a run since I haven't done that in awhile and there is no way I was going back to sleep. I tried to move without waking Chloe but I almost fell off of the bed. I stood up and looked at Chloe making sure she was still asleep before putting on some sweatpants and a T-shirt.

Before leaving I checked on the boys and as usual I had to fix Carter. His head was hanging off the bed. I swear one day he is going to wake up wrong and he's going to break his neck.

As soon as I walked out the door, something felt off. Like I was being watched. It was then that I hoped whatever was about to happen didn't lead me into any trouble. I made my way down the stairs and into the driveway and eventually into the street. I was starting to think that I was just being paranoid. With everything going so great lately I still had the mindset that something bad was going to happen.

Things were just going great and my life doesn't seem to actually fit in that category. I started running and for some reason I couldn't shake this feeling that someone was following me. I made my run short for two reasons. One, I felt like something was going to happen and two, it was starting to rain and I don't want to hear Chloe give me a speech about catching pneumonia. As I got back to my house, I saw the same car I've been seeing for a while parked across the street.

"Lord not today." I said to myself. "I can never just have a normal life." So I'm guessing he didn't hear me because there was definitely someone in my house. My door was cracked and my house was quiet. I heard a sound and without looking first I elbowed someone.

"Oww! What was that for?" I turned around and it was Calvin. He was holding his nose and I'm pretty sure I broke it. I felt really bad

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry."

"What's going on?" Chloe said walking down the stairs.

"I came downstairs to close the door because I knew Mathew didn't close it all the way and I scared Val and she elbowed me in the face."

"I feel really bad. I'll drive you to the hospital."

"It's fine, it was an accident. Cara is upstairs, I ask her to take me."

"Damn. Who kicked your ass?" Cara asked walking down staries with Mathew

"Yeah who kicked your ass Uncle Cal?" Mathew repeated

"No Mathew don't say that." Chloe said. I managed to hold in my laugh because it wasn't supposed to be funny.

"I accidentally elbowed him." I said

"Well come on. Let's get you to the hospital." Cara helped him out the door. "I'll be back!" She called out as she walked out.

I closed the door and sighed heavily.

"Its okay. It was an accident." Chloe said rubbing my arm

"This all happened because I was paranoid when I went to rake a run. I felt like someone was watching me and it made it worse when I came back and the door was open. He made a noise and without even looking I gave him an elbow to the face." I felt myself getting g a headache

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about this."

"Do you think something's wrong with me?"

"What? No, of course not. Baby, why would you ask that?"

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