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(Val's POV)

When I got back to Chloe's house it was pretty late. Chloe was sleeping so I just jumped in the shower. When I got out I sat up on my laptop for a few minutes sending emails to people and make sure everything was in order. After, I got into bed careful not to wake Chloe. I wrapped my arms around her and she locked her fingers with mine.

"I thought you were sleeping." I whispered in her ear

"I've been up since you came in." She turned around to face me

"Sorry for waking you."

"Its fine. Why did you ask me what Olivia looked like."

"Because I talked to Olivia today and she said that she didn't tell you that."

"But she did."

"Actually, she didn't. Her ex girlfriend, Nina, did. It was to get back at me because she thinks that I'm the reason why they broke up. Plus, Olivia told Nina that we had sex."

"Did you have sex with her?"

"No. Now I have to go sort things out between us."

"Be careful. I don't want you getting into trouble. I'm not sure if you know, but you're a bit of a hothead. The smallest things will get you angry."

"What do you think I should do?"

"Talk to her. Like sit down and have a whole conversation with her and if things start to get heated, tell yourself to cal down or try to reason with her."

"Does that work for your students?"

"Yup and it will work for adults. I don't need you punching a hole in someone's head." She laughed

"Ok. Well its late. We can talk about this in the morning."

"Ok. Goodnight soldier." She kissed me and I pulled her closer to me.

(Chloe's POV)

I woke up to.... well.... let's just say Val finally got the breakfast she wanted. I jumped out of my sleep to find her between my legs. My legs started to shake and I grabbed my sheets.

"Oh my god!" I could feel my climax approaching. I tried to bite my lip to keep from making noise. Yeah... That didn't work. I was a little too loud because my neighbor James called my phone asking if I was ok. I told him I was ok and the whole time I was on the phone Val just thought if was the funniest thing in the world.

"You're neighbors are nosey." Val said after I got off of the phone

"No they're concerned."

"How could they hear you? Its impossible."

"They're right next door. Plus that is not how you wake someone up."

"You didn't tell me not to." I threw my pillow at her and she threw it back. "I think I deserve a real breakfast. How about we BOTH make breakfast?"

"Fine,but your making pancakes."

"No problem."

After breakfast we both took showers and I finished my lesson plans while Val watched TV. Everything was fine until she got a phone call. When she answered it she looked at me and then walked out. I didn't know what was going on buy I shrugged it off. She came back and sat down next to me. She didn't look happy at all. She looked almost sad.

"Job?" I asked

"Commander. I-i-"

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I'm getting deployed again. I have to go to Iraq."

I didn't know what to say. I didn't expect this. At least not so soon.


"In 2 days. Usually I would be leaving tomorrow, but there is a delay in something. I don't know what's going on exactly but this is what I was talking about when I said it can happen at anytime."

"Do you know how long it will be?"

"No. Never do. It can be 8 months or 18 months. There really isn't a set time. Chloe I feel bad. I feel like I'm just leaving you."

"No you're not. This is your job. This is what you signed up for and what I agreed to when I said I wanted to be with you. Yes, I'm scared and a little heartbroken but I'm not leaving. My mama didn't raise a quitter."

"Are you sure?"

"Its too late now. You've already gotten sexually violated by my mama. There is no going back now." We both laughed but it was for a short time.

"Well I better go tell my family." Val got up and walked out of the room. What the hell did I get myself into? I fell in love with someone who risks her life for our country.

(Val's POV)

I wasn't mad about being deployed. I was scared as hell but what soldier isn't? My focus was on my family and Chloe. My poor mother and father, and Jenna and Sara. So many people I have to stay alive for. Sometimes I question my job. Who the hell told me to try to save the country? Me. It was me. Me and my big heart. I just hate to have to tell my mother.

"Hello." My father answered the phone. I was praying my mother was gone and that I wouldn't tell her but she was so I told him to put me on speaker to talk to them.

"Hey mom and dad." I said

"What's going on? You don't sound happy."

"I'm getting deployed again. Iraq."

No one said anything. I only heard my moms sniffling. She was crying.

"Dammit Val! Why? Every time you leave I worry sick about you." My mom was hurt

"I know ma. I know." She hung up and I didn't get mad. She didn't want to believe I was leaving.

Next I called Jenna and Sara answered.

"Hey bumblebee." I said

"Hi Sargent. Do you want to talk to my mommy?"

"Yes please." She put her on the phone

"Hey Val. What's going on?"

"Well, I'm getting a deployed."

"Just don't get shot in the ass. Ok?" I laughed. Jenna was always the one who didn't let me know how hurt she was.

"I don't want to tell Sara."

"I'll do it. She'll be ok."

"Ok. Love you guys." I hung up and walked back to Chloe's bedroom. She was curled up on the bed watching TV. I kind of just stood there staring at her wondering how the hell was I going to just leave.

"How long have you been standing there?" Chloe said sitting up against the headboard

"Long enough to know that the TV shows you watch are stupid." I said sitting down next to her

"Shut up." She hit me and then laid her head on my shoulder. "Val, I'm scared."

"Of what?" I already knew the answer. I was afraid of the same thing.

"That you won't come back. We haven't been together long, but I damn sure want to loose you."

"I'm coming back." I said trying to convince the both of us

"How do I know that?" She sat up looking me in my eyes waiting for an answer. I took my necklace off and put it around her neck. Its the necklace my mom gave the first time I got deployed.

"This necklace is very important to me. I'll be back for it. So keep it safe until I get back."

"Promise you'll be back for it?"

"I promise."

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