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(Val's POV)

When we got there it was about 6 pm and I was both exhausted and irritated. My partner is a pain in the ass. When we landed, we were greeted by our escorts. We checked into our hotel and turned on our laptop to get in touch with Margo through video chat.

"How was your flight?" She asked

"Long." I said looking at Nick

"You'll be alright. Anyway, I need you to open up those boxes I gave you and put those ear pieces in your ear. They're small so that no one will see them. This is how I will contact you along with agents Cody Smith and Nicola Winter."

"Don't tell me you brought the DHS into this." I said

"Yes I did. It is their job. Now, this moment is the only moment you can make a call home so do it now. The next time you will call them will be the day you leave to go home. Other than that you two should get some rest. You have a long 2 weeks ahead of you."

"Ok." Before I could say anything else she hung up.

"Well, I'm going to call Briana before she kills me." Nick said walking away. I waved my hand at him and then I called Chloe.

"Hello ." she answered

"Hey sweetheart."

"Hi. I'm glad to hear your voice."

"I happy to hear yours too. I landed about an hour ago and this is the last time I can call you until the day I come home."

"Valentine, I love you. I love you with am my heart. Please be careful."

"I will. I promise."

"No. Stop promising me things. I dont want your promises because I know things don't always go as planned. So, can you just make sure to bring your ass back to Texas as soon as you can and alive. I need you and don't want to go to jail for trying to kill whoever the hell sent you over there in the first place." I chuckled because I know she means every word and I'm just amazed at how lucky I am to have her

"Ok sweetheart. I'll be back before you know it. I love you and I want you to kiss the boys for me, ok?"

"Ok. Val, I don't want say goodbye,"

"Then don't. You know how I feel about that word anyway. I'll see you later."

"See you later." I heard her sniffle and I knew she was done holding back tears she's been wanting to shed since I told her I was leaving.

"Baby, I love you and I will see you again soon."

"Ok." Was the only word she could get out. She hung up before I could say anything else and I just sort of sat there and prayed that I didn't get myself into something I can't get out of. I walked over to my bed and went to sleep.

I woke up around 5 am to Nick moving things around.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered

"I found a bug. Someone was hear before us and I'm looking for more. I found one in the lamp shade and another on the curtain." I sat up and looked around. I looked at the air vent and something caught my eye.

"Give me a chair." I said. Nick gave me a chair and I put it under the vent to reach it.

"What are doing?" I didn't answer him. I opened the vent and there was a tiny camera inside.

"We are being watched. How did anyone know we were coming?"

"I'm not sure but we can't stay here."

"Where the hell are we going?" I asked

"I don't know. I know I'm not staying here." I was going to say something but I heard a beeping noise.

"Shh listen. Do you hear that?" Nick walked over to the closet and there was a bomb

"Oh shit!" I grabbed the laptop and my phone and we ran out.

"Wait, we have to tell everyone else in the building."

"This is not the time to have a big heart and become superwoman." I looked around and saw the fire alarm. I pulled it and then we jetted out down the hall. We took the stairs and I'm no time was out of the hotel. Everyone else came running out after.

A few moments later a loud sound was heard and half of the building collapsed.

I stood there looking at Nick. He signaled me to walk away and I did

"So now what?"

"I don't know. I'll call Margo." Nick said

"No. They might be tracing our phones. We have to throw all communication devices away."

"Are you out of your damn mind? How will we get back? How will anyone know what the hell is going on?"

"We'll find a way."

"I knew when Margo told me I would be partners with someone off the field I would get into some crazy situation and die."

"If you don't shut up you are going to die and its going yo be me who kills you. I didn't want to do this with my own Major yet here I am with a desk jockey who is afraid."

"You're damn right I'm afraid. I'm in a country who hates us with a crazy person who needs anger management."

"Crazy is what keeps me alive and you haven't seen angry yet."

(Chloe's POV)

Valentine Sydney Dexter stresses me out. I'm constantly worrying about her and now she decides that she wants to get into more trouble. I just hope she makes it home..... Alive

Today I dropped the boys off to my mama house so I can go shopping for my new classroom and for myself. I've been buying things for the boys lately and thought I deserved a shirt or two.

The mall was full today. They were having a student job fair and high school student and teachers were everywhere. I decided to take a seat in the back where there weren't any volunteers, students or, teachers. In the middle of my lunch someone walked up to me.

"Is this seat taken?" She asked. Her accent took me by surprise. Then I looked up and her bright green eyes caught my attention. She also had big red hair and freckles. She was absolutely gorgeous and I found myself extremely interested in whatever she had to say.

"No. Sit down."

"Hi, my name is Aideen." She reached her hand our for a handshake

"My name is Chloe. Aideen is a very interesting name." I said shaking her hand

"Well, its Irish as you can probably tell from my accent. It means little fire."

"I can see where that fits." I said motioning to her hair. She giggled making me laugh.

"So, are you a student?"

"No, I'm just shopping. I'm actually a elementary school teacher. Do I look like a student?"

"Yes. You look like a teenager. May I ask how old you are?"

"I'm 25. I'll be 26 in September."

"Oh wow. You look much younger. I'm only 21. Your husband is a lucky man she said pointing at my ring. I just laughed. "What's funny?"

"Well, I'm only engaged and it's to a woman. I also have 2 sons."

"Well, that teaches me not to be so quick to assume things huh? Is she hear with you?"

"No she's away. Military things."

"Oh. I hope she gets back soon." She put her hand over mine

"Yeah me too." I looked at the time and realized it was close to the time I said I would pick up the boys. "It was nice meeting you but I have to go."

"Oh ok. Well here is my number. You should call me whenever you need a babysitter or someone to talk to."

"Yeah sure. Thanks." I took her number and left. She was very intriguing

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