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(Chloe's POV)

"Mama, I just don't understand. She's not working anymore so what could she be doing?" It was the weekend and since I didn't have to work, I decided to go over to my parents house with the boys. Something I hadn't done in a long time.

"She's probably just looking for a new job." My mama suggested

"No. She's not sleeping, barely eating, and is acting strange. Something's wrong and she doesn't want me to know about it."

"Maybe she's scared she'll lose you, again. Whatever she's doing, it sounds like she's working hard to keep you from finding out either for your safety or hers. Some things are better not known." My dad said.

"Well if it's anything like last time, then I would at least like to know. What about the boys?"

"Darling, everything will be okay. Val always has people on her side." My dad said hugging me

"I guess you're right. I'm going to head home and start dinner."

"Okay honey. Please don't worry yourself." My mama said before I walked out with Calvin following me with the twins.

Val didn't acknowledge me when I got home. She completely ignored me and was stuck in that computer. I didn't say anything and I just started dinner. When the twins started crying she didn't bother getting up and she completely pushed Carter away when he asked for help with his homework.

Whatever is taking up all of her time and attention these last few days better be important.

"Honey, dinner is ready." I said to Val

"Yeah yeah I'm coming. Matter of fact just put it in the microwave. I might not be able to eat with you guys right now."

"Excuse me?"

"I said just put it up for me." She said never taking her eyes off of her computer screen


"What Chloe?! Why are you bothering me when you see I'm busy?!"

"Because you've been ignoring your family all week and all I ask is for you to eat dinner with us but whatever the hell you're working on is obviously more important!"

"I never said that!"

"You haven't said much to me or our kids! What are you doing that's so important?!"

"I can't tell you, okay! Now just leave me alone! I told you I'm busy!"

I didn't say anything else. I just walked away and sat at the table with Carter and the twins.

"Mama are you okay? Your face is red." Carter asked

"Yeah sweetheart. I'm fine."

"Where's Mom?"

"She's doing some work. You should start eating so you can get ready for bed."

"Okay but do I have to eat this spinach?"

"Yes you do. Now eat before your dinner gets cold." Carter rolled his eyes and began eating.

After dinner I cleaned up and took a shower. I'm not sure what's going on with Val but she's not herself. And again I went to bed without Val.

(Val's POV)

I couldn't focus anymore. Chloe kept running through my mind and she was right. I didn't realize how much I let this take over my life and it's only been a week. I completely ignored the kids and I've been acting like a complete asshole, especially tonight.

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