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(Val's POV)

"Ok so, we have somebody on the inside. They will act as if they have captured you and will deliver you to Adriana." Margo said as she spoke to me from my ear piece. I was standing outside enjoying the view

"Ok and what about Nick?"

"He'll stay with Abigail and the rest of the tech team. Are you sure you want to do this alone?"

"Nope but it has to be done."

"Ok well Lidia will be coming to excort you to Adriana. She's going to put handcuffs on you and just so there's no surprises she has a vicious right hook."

"Why would I need to know that?"

"It has to be convincing so she's going to mark you up a little. Nothing major." As soon as she said that I saw Lidia walking up to me

"Hello Dexter."

"Hey Scott. Ready?"

"I should be asking you that. Turn around." I turned around and she put handcuffs on me. "Ready?"

"Yeah." So I thought she was talking about the mission. I was wrong because I finally found out how wonderful her right hook was.

"Sorry if I hurt you." She said

"No, I'm fine. Really. I just probably have a broken nose and my ear is ringing a little. Who trained you. Muhammad Ali?"

She chuckled and put a bag over my head. It smelled nice for something that was supposed to be a danger to you. It was cloth so I wouldn't die but she had the tie around my neck a little tight.

She pushed walked me into what seemed like a van and someone was waiting in the car. He was definitely not on our team and neither was the driver.

"Good job. I didn't know you had it in you." The voice said. I couldn't see but his voice wasn't familiar at all.

"I told you to never doubt me." Lidia said

After what seemed forever the car finally stopped and I was somewhat dragged out of the car. The fact that I knew I could beat all of their asses was the glue that held me together. They could have been a little more gentle.

"Bring her." I heard a woman say. Her voice was soft and her accent was thick

They pushed me and I fell to my knees. With the bag over my head I didn't know where I was. I heard heels clicking and they stopped in front of me. I felt cold hands untie the bag and pull it off. It took a while for my eyes to adjust after being in the dark for so long. I looked up to see Adriana

"Is this her?" She looked over to the door and you can guess who the fuck it was. Yeah, Olivia.

"Yup that's her. Looks like somebody beat your ass before you got here." She said. I just looked at her. "What? No words?"

"So, here's the deal. You are here so that you don't fuck up anything while business is in order. I was told that you're very good at your job and I don't need you in my business." Adriana kneeled down in front of me. "Try anything and I will kill you." She whispered in my ear. Its very clear she doesn't know me too well. "Take her into the room."

"Which one?" A gaurd asked standing me up

"What other room could I be talking about?"

"I don't know. There's the execution room, the TV room, there's even a cotton candy room. So I wouldn't know." At this point I wanted to punch him in the face

"Why the hell would I want- never mind. I can't trust you all to do simple shit. Just take her into the holding room idiot." He grabbed me and walked me to the room. It was a very nice room. Too nice for a room meant for prisoners. He sat me down on one of the softest couches I've ever encountered in my life.

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