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(Carter's POV)

So my moms put me in this suit. I hate it, I really really hate it but my moms love it so I didn't put up a fight.

Not today.

Today is their big day as my Nana and papa says. They also say something about not thinking my mama would ever get married. I don't know why though. My mama looks like a princess all the time. Even when she's just waking up and looks more like a beast than the princess.

I walked around the room all the girls were in as they got ready. My cousins Alana and Jessie were wearing matching dresses just like Sara's. I think they're going to be throwing flowers on the floor. I don't get it though. Isn't that a waste of money? Leah is also here but she's not going to be throwing flowers. She just wanted to see everything get ready. Then I see all the grown ups in robes. My mama has one on too but hers is white while everyone else has pink ones and she's sitting in a chair eating donuts with her hair in those things she told me not to play with that time I rolled them on Biscuit and got them stuck. Aunt Cara is also in a robe but she's doing my mamas make up.

"I wish you'd put the donuts down Chloe. It's hard doing make up when you're chewing. You've been eating like that all day."

"It's just nervous eating. I did the same thing before my wedding. When I kissed your father he asked me why my lips tasted like a peanut butter." My Nana said

"Are you excited, Carter?" My aunt Cara asked

"For what?"

"The wedding. Your Mamas are going to be together forever."

"What? I thought they were already doing that. This is what all of this is for? I have to wear a suit and be up early on the weekend so my moms can stay together forever?" Everyone laughed but I didn't find it funny.

"Not necessarily but you'll understand when you're older." My mama said

"I hope so. I'm dying in this suit." I walked out of the room and snuck my way into my mom's room. My mom and aunt Jenna were the only girls in there. Everybody else were my grandpas and uncles and little cousins.

"Hey Carter. You decided to join us huh?" My papa said

"Yeah it smells like perfume and hairspray in there."

"Yup sounds about right. That's why I didn't go in there. Go talk to your mom she's been quiet all morning."

"So what's up kiddo?" My mom asked as I sat next to her

"I don't know. Papa said to talk to you because you weren't talking. Also I smell like a girl and mama is eating like grandpa."

"I've just been thinking and yeah she's been doing that lately. So are you excited?"

"Why does everybody keep asking me that? The only difference is that now mama can call you her wife when she shows all the other teachers and the random people she doesn't know at the grocery store her ring and brags about how you're the best at everything."

"She does that?"

"Yes. She brings you up at weird times. Like the one time we were getting cookies and out of nowhere she looked at a lady next to us and was telling her how those cookies are your favorite cookies and how you deserve them because you're the best and then almost smacked the lady trying to show her the ring." My mom laughed and shook her head

"Yeah that sounds like her. Well I'm glad she's excited to be marrying me. We just have to make sure she doesn't injure anybody trying to express her love for me. However you look nice in that suit."

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