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(Chloe's POV)

I couldn't sleep. It was almost 3 am, Val still wasn't home, and I was sitting in the living room. I had no idea where the hell she could be. Plus she left her phone on the bed when she stormed out. At around 3:30 I heard the front door open and then she came into our livingroom.

"You're still up?" She asked

"Am I still up? Is that what you just asked me? Valentine, you have been gone since 10! I have been up worried about you and the first thing you ask me when you walk in at 3 in the morning is am I still up! Of course I'm still up! You left your phone and I don't know what your dumbass could be doing at this time. I was afraid something happened to you or your temper got you in trouble! You don't think about anyone but yourself Val!" I felt my face heat up and I knew I was about to start crying. "I love you Valentine and I don't know what I would have done if anything would have happened to you while you were out there. I had no way of knowing or helping you Val."

I threw a couch pillow at her. Tears fell down my face and I turned away from her attempting to wipe my eyes. I felt her arms wrap around me and I tried to push her away but it was no use. She turned me around to face her and held me against the wall.

"Chloe, I'm sorry I scared you. I didnt mean to stay out this late. Honestly I was just walking around and ended up at a friend of mines house, but now you know how I felt when Carter said that. If that man would have hurt you I wouldn't have a way of getting to you or helping you. I was across the ocean and you didn't even mention it. I love you Chloe and I can't stand the thought of loosing you or someone hurting you." She kissed me and held me close as I cried in her shirt. "Come on. Let's go to bed."

She picked me up and carried me to our bedroom and laid me down. She went into the closet and changed into just some sweatpants and T-shirt. When she got into bed she pulled me close to her and kissed my forehead.

The next day I woke up to the smell of bacon. I rolled over to see Val was gone.

"Good morning soldier." I said walking into the kitchen

"Good morning Sweetheart. Here's your breakfast." She said handing me my plate. I stood there staring at her. "What?"

"Nothing. Just trying to figure out what I would do without you."

"Probably investing in a vibrator." She said laughing. I pinched her side and ran over to the kitchen island before she could reach me.

After breakfast, we finished packing and took a cab to the airport. I have never been on a plane and was freaking out.

"Sweetheart, do you want to tell me why you're digging your nails into arm?"

"I'm sorry. I just never been on a plane before. I've never been out of Texas."

"Relax, you'll be fine." She took my hand in hers

The whole plane ride I wouldn't look out the window and Val just thought it was the funniest thing in the world. When we landed we got our things and waited for Vinnie to pick us up.

"How do you like the big city so far?" Vinnie asked

"Its loud and people are rude." I said

"Welcome to New York City. The concrete jungle." He said laughing

When we arrived at Mrs. Dexters house little kids ran up to Val. I later found out that they were her nieces and nephew.

"Guys I want you to meet Chloe." Val said

"Auntie Val, is she your girlfriend?" Jessie asked

"Yes, why?"

"She's really pretty."

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