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(Carter's POV)

"Carter, Carter get up. Its Christmas!" I love my little cousins but they can be really annoying. DJ starting hitting me with his pillow and jumping on my bed

"I'm up DJ." I sat up and rubbed my eyes

"Santa was here!" Alana said running in my room

"Yay." I said in a sleepy voice. I was excited for Christmas. I really was but not as excited as the other kids. I ran into my moms room and jumped on the bed like DJ

"Mama, mom. Get up its Christmas."

"Ugh. What time is it?" My mama asked

"Its 7 am." My mom said turning over.  I laughed when my mama sat up. Her hair was everywhere and she looked like she needed more sleep.

"Okay let's go. Go get your uncles and grandparents." My mama said

We all ran around the house getting the grownups up and into the living room.

"Carter, Santa got us a lot of stuff." Jessie said almost running into Alana

"Yeah that great. Santa is the best." I halfed smiled.

"Okay everyone. Settle down. Y'all can sit around the tree and we will past the presents around." My Uncle Vinnie said

We all sat down by the tree and the grown ups passed the gifts around and soon one was given to me.

"Go ahead and open it." My mom said. By the look on her face she brought the present and was very excited for me to open it. I kind of just looked at the bright box before tearing it open which was kind of hard because of my arm. I opened it to see a huge Nerf gun. Its way bigger than the one I have now.

"Thanks mom! I love it!" I ran over to her and hugged her.

"Auntie Val, look what I have." DJ said waving his toy truck

"I see. It's cool. Later we can drive it around the house." My mom said. The look on my mama face was the face she made when she didn't like something. "Or maybe we can drive it outside." My mom said looking at my mama

"Mama this is for you and this is for you mom." I said passing my presents to them. My mama looked like she wanted to cry. Something she did a lot. She cries about everything. My mom on the other hand just smiles and give me hugs which I like a lot.

"Thanks kiddo." My mom said. She sat down next to me along with Mama and they both opened their presents. I made them both picture frames in my art class. Since my mama doesn't teach art I hid this in my room. 

"Aww. This is great Carter." My mama said hugging me and then the tears started. I laughed as my mom rolled her eyes. I almost forgot everyone else. I love them but when I'm with my moms its like everything else goes away.

(Val's POV)

You know that feeling you get when everything is going great? That feeling that you've done everything in your power to make things good and it's finally paying off? That's the feeling I felt as I watched my family and Chloe's family laugh and have a good time together

The kids were outside, half of our family were in the kitchen the other half scattered around the house and I was just sitting on the staircase inside taking it all in. I watched my beautiful fiancé cook with both of our moms. My brothers were getting to know Chloe's family better. The only person I was missing were Jenna and the kids. I missed them so much but they were celebrating with their family.

I have no idea how long I was in a daze but I was torn away from it when my dad sat next to me.

"What's on your mind kid? You've been sitting here for awhile. I know your hot chocolate is no longer hot." He smiled

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