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(Val's POV)

"Mom let's go! I don't want to be late." Carter started pulling me towards the front door. Today is Leah's birthday party and he was on edge. He is the most stressed out 8 year old I've ever met. I was stuck taking him because Chloe had a Meeting with one of her student's parents.

"Okay, I'm coming. Just let me get my keys."

"I already have them let's go before Mathew sees us and wants to go." He pushed me out of the door and handed me the keys

The whole ride there I heard him practicing what he was going to say to Leah. It was cute until there was traffic and I spent 20 minutes listening to him say the same thing over and over again.

"What?! Why is joey here?" He asked as we stopped in front of Leah house

"Maybe she invited him." I suggested

"No mom. She can't. We don't like him. Plus, he likes her."

"We? Are you sure its not just you."


"Well, umm. Yeah I have nothing kid. Just don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"My life is over mom." He's so dramatic

"I doubt it. Now let's go." We both got out of the car and Carter rushed to the front door leaving me behind.

"Hello Val." Leah's mom, Elenore, said as I walked in. She hugged me and gave me a party hat. I saw her husband, Philip, walk by with one on too.

"Uh thanks." She laughed and pointed to her living room where I noticed everyone had on party hats

"I can see Carter was in a rush."

"Yeah, he thinks Joey is going to steal Leah away from him."

"I doubt it. Carter is all she talks about. You should have seen her freaking out because Carter was a little late."

"I'll take responsibility for that."

"Well come one. Let's go make sure the kids aren't going crazy."

We walked into the living room where everyone was and as I looked into the kitchen and out the back door and there were even more kids. Elenore was a brave soul letting all of these kids into her house.

"Hey, Ellie, how many kids do you have in here?" I asked

"Close to 30. Most of them are Leah's cousins. Philip is half Italian and has a very big family. The rest are kids from school."

"Is the little boy supposed to be having upside down from the tree like that?" I asked. A little boy was hanging by his pants leg from a tree.

"His brother must have nailed him to the tree again." Philip said. I took a mental note to never let Carter stay over.

"Hi Sergeant." Leah came up to and hugged me

"Hey Leah. Happy Birthday."

"Thank you. Where is Ms. Ellison?"

"She had to work late."

"Awe. Well, when we cut the cake can you take a slice home for her?"

"Sure." She smiled and then ran off to join the rest of the kids.

As time went by I found myself talking to all of the parents and really wanting to go home. It was probably because I don't really have friends because I find it really hard to tolerate a lot of people. Like now. A friend of Eleanor is talking about how she teaches a baby tiger to do things. Meanwhile, she keeps getting closer and closer and I don't know how but I feel like Chloe sensed it and called me

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