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(Valentine's POV)

"I can't believe your moving all the way to Texas." My mom said from the kitchen. "It's bad enough you don't come and visit your parents while you're here in New York."

"Ma, relax and the only reason why I don't come see you as much as I used to is because I'm always busy." I said as I walked into the kitchen grabbing a cookie from the plate on the table

"Those cookies are for my grandchildren. You know the little humans you will never have. And is the exuse of being busy the same reason why you haven't found a nice woman? You're almost 30 Val."

Here she goes again. I'm only 26, yet she feels like I'm 29.

"Ma please don't do this."

"I'm sorry. Its just that I'm getting older and you're leaving me."

"You have dad. Plus you also have 3 other children and grandchildren who come and see you everyday."

"Yeah but I don't like them."

"Well I dont like you either." My dad said walking into the kitchen with us

"Hey dad."

"Hey sweetheart. Listen, don't listen to your crazy mother. When are you leaving for Texas?"

"Tomorrow night. Ill be there Sunday morning and then Tuesday I have to visit a school for career day."

I hear the front door open and little footsteps running into the kitchen followed by the door closing and it my siblings: David, Vinnie, and, Daniel. Oh yeah I didn't mention I'm the only girl and the youngest. Vinnie is the oldest and he has a wife who's name is Christina and two daughters, Jessie who is 6 and Alana who is 4. Then there's the twins, David and Daniel. David is also married to a woman named Kristen and has a son named David Jr who is 5. Daniel on the other hand has a girlfriend that we all know isn't going to be around for long just like his other girlfriends. Then there's me. Valentine the only girl yet my mom will never have a son-in-law.

"OK kids go say bye to your aunt Val. We won't be able to see her leave tomorrow." Vinnie said

"No. Don't say goodbye. I tell you guys this every time I get deployed. Goodbye means forever. You'll see me again." I said picking Alana up and sitting her on my lap

"Daddy said you're going to live with the cowboys." Jessie said looking at me with her big brown eyes

"Well I'm not sure if I'll see cowboys but if I do I'll make sure to bring one home."

"Really Val?" Vinnie asked taking a cookie from the plate. My mom turned around and hit him in the back of his head

"You're the one who told her I was going to live with cowboys."

"Kids I think it's time to watch some tv. Go in the living room and let the adults talk." My dad said

Alana hopped off my lap and walked into the living room with the other children and they sat down and started watching tv.

"Wow sis. You're really moving huh?" Daniel asked

"I mean I dont have a choice. They need me on base there. At least I'm not going to Afghanistan again. You guys can call me whenever you want and I'm not living off powderd smooshed food."

"I dont know why you couldn't have found something else to do with your life. Danny is a pediatrician, David is a physical therapist and Vinnie is a teacher. And then there's you. You decided to shave your head and go fight for our country. I imagined you being a ballerina or a lawyer and walking you down the isle to your husband by now.I love you Valentine, but you worry me every time you put that uniform on. Whether you're going to war or just going on base." I couldn't look my dad in his eyes. I know I didn't live up to their expectations

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