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(Chloe's POV)

I got dressed and looked in the mirror. I flashed a fake smile and decided I was going just put Val in the back of my mind. I grabbed my jacket as I headed out the door. I drove to my parents house holding back tears I knew I couldn't cover up when I got there. When I got there I just sat in my car for a while and then walked in the house.

Calvin was waiting for me at the door. He grabbed me and gave me a hug and asked if I was ok. I shook my head yes, put on a fake smile and walked into the living room. My whole family was in the house and I didn't want to bring the mood down.

"Oh my god! Look at my big cousin!" My cousin Rita yelled at she made her way to me

"Hey Rita. I haven't seen you in so long. I really missed you." We hugged each other and then the rest of my family approached me.

"Ok everyone! Its time for dinner!" My mama yelled through the house.

"Who's going to say grace?" My dad asked

"I'll do it." My Aunt Hillary said. Ok so my Aunt Hillary is like a younger version of my mama just 10 times worst. I looked at my dad and he shrugged.

"Um matter of fact I think we should just skip grace this time." Rita said

Everyone agreed and then sat down to eat. And then the questions started.

"So, Chloe have you found a nice boy yet?" My Aunt Hillary said

"Um no."

"Why not?"

"Focused on work."

"Mhmm." My mama said as she sipped her drink

"So Aunt Hillary, I heard you traveled to Egypt." Calvin said changing the subject

"Yes I did. I met a lot of wonderful people there. I even met this really handsome man. But then I got him and his twin brother mixed up and ended up fucking them both."

"Aunt Hillary! Matthew is sitting at the table." Cara said

"Oh shut up. The boy is only six. He doesn't know better."

My family is crazy.

After awhile I was actually feeling ok. That was until Val started calling me again. She was really starting to piss me off but I didn't know how to talk to her. I just shut my phone off and went through the night ignoring her.

(Val's POV)

Everyone's dressed up and ready for family to come over. Dinner is starting a little late because Dylan's parents are stuck in traffic. Meanwhile I keep trying to call Chloe and she's not answering. At this point I'm extremely worried. Did something happen to her? Did I do something to piss her off? When I left everything was fine between us. I don't understand what's going on. I just hope she's ok.

"What's wrong?" Vinnie asked

"What do you mean?"

"Well you're pacing the floor and have been doing it for 15 minutes."

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. I'm your oldest brother you can talk to me about anything."

"Ok. Well, there's this girl-"

"Ha! I knew it." Vinnie said interrupting me

"Yeah and umm, I really care about her like a lot and before I left we were on good terms and I've been trying to call and text her since I got here but she's not answering. My worst fear right now is that something happens to her and there's no other way for me to contact her." I felt myself about to cry

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