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(Chloe's POV)

So its March and it's almost the twins first birthday. Val didn't want to do anything for her birthday because she said that she was so happy that she wasn't where she was last year that she just wanted to go out with the family. Of course it was also Valentine's day and Val couldn't help but put something together. Her and Carter made chocolate covered strawberries and a chocolate cake for me. Later on that night we put the kids to bed and we had some adult time.

"So I was thinking we should have a party for the twins." I said to Val who clearly didn't like the idea. She was sitting at the kitchen table on her laptop

"Sweetheart, I know that turning one is a big thing but do they really need a party? They're not even going to remember it."

"Did you have a party for your first birthday?"

"I don't know but if I did I damn sure don't remember like every other person."

"You never want to do anything fun. I'm convinced that the military drains the fun out of you."

"Trust me the military drains a lot more than fun out of a person."

"Val, come on. We didn't do anything special for your birthday."

"I did. We spent the day together as a family and had sex. Really great sex. Like all night we had really great sex ."

"Alright, I get it. We had sex but this is about Josh and Jacob. I want this to be special." Val looked up at me for a minute without saying anything. "What?" I asked

"I know what this is about." She got up from her chair and held me in her arms. "This is about Gracie and Larry. You want it to be special because you wish they were here to see the twins on their first birthday."

I felt my face get hot and a lump in my throat. I could feel the tears coming and Val knew this would happen. That's why she held me. I didn't confirm what she said was true. I just started crying.

"Val, they were so excited. They planned out everything and talked about how life would change for them once the twins were born.' I managed to say between sobs

"I know. I know this is hard for you and I know you want to do everything you can make sure you live up to Grace and Larry's expectations. If you need me, I'm here. I might not agree but if it makes you happy then I'll help. Okay?

I nodded my head and Val wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

"Mama! Where is my skateboard?!" Carter yelled interrupting what was a emotional moment.

"Yup, that's your son." I said walking to Carter's room

(Val's POV)

"Thirty eight, thirty nine, forty, forty one." I counted in my head every time my head came above the bar. I don't exercise like I used to but it's a great way to relieve stress. A lot has been on my mind lately and most of it is what I'm going to do with my life now. I'm currently unemployed and have no idea what I should do next. I know we can't live off of monthly checks and Chloe's job forever and being in the house with nothing to do is killing me.

"Wow I've never seen a woman with abs like that." A woman said to me as I walked over to my bag.

"Uh thanks."

"I'm Cierra. What's your name?" She was very forward for someone I just met. This is why I don't go to public gyms.

"Valentine." I shook her hand. Not because I wanted to but because her hand was out and I didn't want to just leave her hanging

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