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(Val POV)

Although we are engaged, the wedding will have to be put back for awhile until we can get everything together. With the twins and now my new job, we are both busy.

I feel bad when I leave Chloe at home with the boys when I go to work. She tells me that she has it and pushes me out the door everyday. I call at least once while at work and make sure she's ok. Now I'm in my office going over files that my boss thinks are codes from somewhere in Saudi Arabia. I've been at this for a week and only have a quarter of this stuff figured out.

My partner Nick Sampson has been working on tracking the vehicle that may be carrying the weapons involved with whatever the hell is going on in Saudi Arabia.

"Don't you think its a little late to still be in here?" Nick asked as he places a sandwich on my desk. "You haven't eaten since 9 this morning. Its now 11 pm."

"I know it's late but I'm so close to getting through this." I said

"I know, but staring at that screen until your eyes fall out isn't going to fix it."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Go home and get some rest."

"I guess you're right." I said turning off my computer. I packed my things and drove home to find my lovely fiancé asleep. I walled to the nursery to find Josh laying awake. "Hey buddy."

He smiled at me. I was going to say something else but I heard footsteps behing me. I turned around to see my Chloe in one of my shirts and her hair in a messy ponytail. She still looks stunning to me.

"When did you get here?"

"About 5 minutes ago." I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a kiss. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. The boys are starting to be less cranky which is great and Vinnie called and said the whole family including your mama will be here next month. If you ever answered your phone people would stop calling me and you would know."

"Are you serious? My mom is coming down here?" I semi yelled.

"Yes I'm serious. Also, someone named Major Selena Locke called."

"What did she want?"

"You to meet her on base. Something about something going on in Saudi Arabia."

"Fuck." I said under my breath

"Honey, what's wrong?"

"They're trying to bring me back. It hasn't even been 3 months yet."

"What are you going to do?"

"I know what I'm not going to do and that's go back. I'm fine being off the field. I have too much to lose this time and I have you and our sons. No, hell no I'm not going." I walked out of the nursery and in to the kitchen to eat. After, I took a shower and went to sleep.

The next day I was off and Chloe took the boys to see her family, so I was extremely bored. Out of nowhere I started to miss carter and decided to make a surprise visit to his house. On the way there I got a phone call from Major Locke but I didn't answer it. I wasn't in the mood to here anything. When I got to Carter's house I saw a for sale sign in front of the house. I got out of my car to take a closer look at the sign.

"No one lives there now." A guy who look in his late 50's said

"What do you mean?"

"The lady who lived there died. I don't know how but the kid was sent back to foster care. Word around here is he's been in and out of foster care all his life. Poor kid."

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