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(Val's POV)

He shut the laptop and I could no longer see Chloe. I don't know what's going on over there and my worst fear is that she's hurt. Kinji is the man who's behind all of this. He looks about 60 with grey hair and a gold tooth. When I woke up Chloe was calling my name. Now I'm strapped to this chair with a busted lip.

"So you're the famous Valentine?"

"In the flesh."

"You have a smart mouth for someone who's about to die."

"My number of near death experiences are high, so I should be ok."

"I don't like you."

"It's ok. A lot of people are after my head. So am I here for a specific reason or what because if you're going to kill me do it already."

"No, not yet. I want you to see your fiancé die." Those words hit me hard. They hurt more than being shot. Speaking of being shot, I looked down and I was still bleeding. If I don't get to a hospital soon Kinji won't have to kill me. I'll bleed out and die.

"I'm sure she can handle herself." I said trying to convince the both of us

"Haha. Americans are stupid." He turned the laptop on and Chloe was no longer there and the big man was on the floor with a hole in his neck.

"Looks like my fiancé is pretty smart." I said laughing. He got mad punched me in the face again. I spit out some blood and it landed on his pants

"You little bitch!" He said punching me again

"Is that all you got?" I said spitting blood once more. He just looked at me and took out his phone. Whoever he was calling wasn't answering the phone.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked the guy standing by the door. He just shrugged.

"Would you mind untying me please?" I asked

"Shut the fuck up!"

"Yes sir. You gave to admit it was worth a try." I said to the guy who was standing by the door

"Dad, mom wants you." A girl in her late teens said coming into the room. It was then that I realized I was in the basement of his house and that he is out of his damn mind.

"Wait, so you have me tied up in your basement?"

"She's cute. Do you have to kill her?" His daughter asked

"Get back upstairs. Tell your mother I'm on my way."

"Ok. Bye soldier." She said walking away. I winked at her and her face turned red as she started to blush. Boss man didn't like that and he punched me again

"Calm down, I have a fiancé. I don't want your daughter." I said smiling

"Keep talking and I'll slit your throat."

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry. Sheesh, somebody needs a hug." The whole time I'm talking to him I'm untangling the extremely thick rope.

"That's it! Watch her while I go up stairs." He stormed off leaving only one man with me.

Yeah, that's not a good idea.

I took the same rope and wrapped it around the guys neck. He backed up slamming me against the wall. I'm not going to lie, he was huge and it hurt like hell. It didn't take long for him to stop breathing but now I had to get out of there. I can't just walk out and there's no windows. I guess I had to kill him or die trying.

Kinji came out and looked at his partner.

"What the hell? He had one job." I laughed but it was short because I noticed and had a full samurai sword.

"Really? A sword?" He didn't answer he just started swinging his sword. I did my best to avoid it but it still cut my side. I was backed against the wall and had nowhere to go. I thought it was the end until I heard a gun shot and Kinji fell to the ground. I looked up to see Nick standing with his gun pointed.

"You see? This is why I don't get into altercations with Asians. They can never just fight like normal people." I said walking over to Margo.

"Well, it's all over." She said

"Oh and thanks for saving my ass." I said to Nick. "Where's Chloe? Is she ok? Did anyone check in her?"

"Calm down. She's fine. She's very strong but right now you need to get to a hospital in America."

I was rushed to a hospital and treated for my wounds. The day I was able to go I had to meet Chloe at whatever safe house they put her in. Margo and Nick came with me.

"Chloe." I said walking in. She came out of a room and ran to me. I held her tight as she cried in my shirt.

"I'm so glad you're ok." She said wiping her tears

"I'm happy you're ok too." Her smile turned into a frown and she backed away from me. "What's wrong?"

"Val, I need to talk to you alone." I turned to Nick and Margo and they both nodded their heads and left.

"What's going on?"

"Val, I love you. I love you with all my heart but I don't think I can go on like this. This isn't safe for us. Especially the boys. We all nearly died because of the baggage you carry with your job. I just need time to process the near death experience I've been through. I need time away from you and the crazy life you live. The boys need it too." She took my hand and put something in it. She started crying again and walked off to get her things. I just stood there trying to make sense of what she just said. I opened my hand to seen the ring I gave her.

I didn't know what to say. I'm not sure if there was anything to say. She walked passed me with the boys and a couple if men helped her with her bags. I watched her as she got into the car and left. I didn't cry. I didn't get angry. I'm not sure what I was feeling.

"What happened?" Margo asked

"She's gone." Was all I could say

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